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Topics - lastverse

Pages: [1]

The airship Sagitta: one-of-a-kind in her elegance and grace. She is piloted by Captain Amelia and her crew of sky-loving creatures. New recruits are gathered at Port, where all airships dock to refuel, repair, and restock. From there, we take to the skies to collect aurora magic, which we sell for money back in the ports. The job would be pretty simple, were it not for the Captain's willingness to fly through storms... or for pirates' willingness to attack and loot innocent travelers. Not only this, but the Captain occasionally gets sidetracked by unexplored islands that dot the ocean over which the Sagitta flies... anything can happen.

All species are accepted, including humans, dogs, cats, dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, slugs, and anything else you can dream up. Captain Amelia is a human :3

Wings are required on your character, even if they don't exist in the role play, due to the nature of the map. Also, tiny characters may experience map issues; it won't hurt you to bulk up a little.

Our most used positions are Mechanic, Navigator, Medic, Chef, Weapons Operator, Aurora Technician, and First Mate. There can be, and are, multiples of each position. Which position is most popular varies from role play to role play. (I would prefer that anyone desiring to become First Mate first become familiar with the role play and how it works)

Positions such as Lookout aren't included because these positions would have too much power to shape the goings-on in the role play :3 Normally that is the Captain's job.

The Captain is usually on around 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time to role play, but if you want to role play at a different time, ask and I'll see if I can work something out. Captain Amelia's username is Lastverse.

Map Link:
Aaaand now for some pictures of the map.
In Port

The Captain at the wheel

On an adventuuuurre!

In flight at night

Just a note: A new airship is coming: a legit 3D model :3 For now, use your amazing imagination.

Finished Maps / Verse Map
« on: May 08, 2011, 08:18:22 pm »
My first map! :o aren't i special :D It's not terribly huge or fancy; it just has some (i think) cool hiding places. It's open to the public; i'd love to see people rp there. I used some objects from other maps i downloaded, just because they were available. If this is a problem or if i need to cite the creators, someone please let me know! I don't know if i need a readme file for download instructions or anything (i'm new at this), so i hope it works out well.
Have fun! Play hard!

[edit] I fixed it! I think! And screenshots are coming, i think...

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