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Topics - kanjithehero

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Red's Feral City Map.. need help!
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:53:43 am »
Well, I've had this map for about a week and I can't see the pay sets in the map or the boxes or the cars or the fences or any items in the junkyard, or flags or signs. I can't see any of this. It's bothering me severely and I've tried downloading and redownloading the map and everything. That's all I've tried, I might of done something wrong but would someone please help! Oh, and I can't see the seats or screens in the cinema either. I can't see hardly any items. Please, tell me what I can do or if I have done something wrong.  :'(

Game Help / FH Not working still.
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:55:42 pm »
I don't know if the server is down anymore or not, but it will let me log in and it says I cant connect to the map when I press start. I have no idea what is going on and it seems like people on the help forum are posting game-related problems, like crashing so i suspected people are playing the game and maybe it's just that my computer is messing up FH.

Game Help / What's going on with the server?
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:40:28 pm »
I can't log in. I know the server is down, but why?

Game Help / FH won't work.. and Aug 22 mass markings won't either.
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:26:10 pm »
Well, I downloaded the Aug 22 Mass markings pack today (Not too long ago) and FH stopped working. I'm not sure if i even did everything right on downloading and placing the pack but everything is in media and the textures folder so I'm pretty sure that's right.. Well the video I followed said to restart FH, which I did and I logged in and it didn't load..for a long time it said "Request accepted, sending login.." And it continued to do so.. I tried downloading the patch again and it still didn't work.. I really don't know what to do :T.. so please don't think it's just a spam I really need help! (Oh, and I may seem a noob I'm just a complete noob to the site I've had my FH for a long time.. But I never downloaded textures or maps until today and I'm scared that my nooby self did something wrong.).. Oh and not to mention that the Textures aren't working .. So i also need help on that :T.. Please help on both I don't know what to do

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