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Topics - Maltose

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Game Help / d3dx9_42.dll Missing, DXError.log, and DirectX.log
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:09:13 am »
Mmkay. Mmmkay. So. Ahem.

I recently got a new computer. It's got Windows 7 64 bit, which I have never used before. So, when I went to install FeralHeart, everything went smoothly until it tried to install DirectX. At which point I got this error message:
"DirectX Setup - An internal system error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows folder to determine the problem."
Oh, how many times I have tried to download different versions of DirectX. Alas, every last one begot the same result.

When I tried to run the game anyway, this error message appeared:
"System Error - The program cant start because d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
Nope. Reinstalling both DirectX and FeralHeart did not help one bit.

When starting the game a second time, I can get to the login screen. It automatically changes the rendering subsystem to OpenGL. (When setting it back to Direct3D9 and restarting the game, the exact thing happens over again.) However, all of the objects that would be in the background are missing, leaving only a view of terrain, sky, and water.

When I do log in, I can see my characters, but with absolutely no background. Just solid black. I can even create new characters with everything else perfectly in order.

Entering the game with a character is the same; nothing but black all around my character. I can still see everyone chatting/logging in and out. I can view movies and see nothing but characters. It seems I don't show up on the map for others, and that they only show up in movies. Not even my little gold dot on the map.

From what I've come to understand - Windows 7 comes with DirectX 11, and the game needs DirectX 9, which I can't get installed for some stupid reason because you can't have both or something.... (May be entirely wrong here. :<)

I've been trying to figure this out for so long, searching everywhere I could think of - but to no avail.
It's... super frustrating, to say the least. I feel like I must be missing something so obvious. I dunno if that's true.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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