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Topics - Seraphim

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Introduction / Seraphim -- Old Player from ImpressiveTitle
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:20:45 am »
Hello there everyone!

Am introducing myself once again- I was originally around when ImpressiveTitle was about.. You may remember me as Mistress Tokui, Tokui or I think in one instance I was nicknamed Tofu.. xD If you dont then all is well- I am new here after-all and alot has obviously changed.. :) I- as you can see have a new alias. Just call me Ser or Sera. :)

I look forward to making friends with any of you! xD

A little bit about me:

I am from the UK.
Currently still a student until like.. Next month.. xD (Depending on how results go..)
I am an avid-gamer and a book-nerd.
I have a passion for computing including graphic design and networking. (Have participated in Cisco online courses for networking and found it so fun~! Binary to decimal and hexadecimal<3 ..Though of course its all just simple stuff.. ;3)

Have sort of rambled.. xD If you have any questions then just ask me.. If not.. May see you around in the game (and most definitely in the forums.. :P)

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