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Topics - darkforce

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Game Help / Feral Heart +
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:46:35 am »
Were and how do I download Feral-Heart+?

Game Help / Retexturing Mesh| Please help!
« on: September 03, 2012, 11:30:06 pm »
I heard of retexturing meshes, and well I have absolutely no, coding or mesh making experience. I tried to retexture, but it seems the picture/image dose not fit on the mesh. Is there some kind of codes I need to resize the picture to be the same as the mesh? Or are there codes the center and fix it? If so, I'd like to know them since I have a city map in the works.

                                                Valley of Wolves                    

                                                                                                               It's the VOW we made to protect these lands.

Welcome to Valley Of Wolves,
VOW is barely making it's mark on FH, with just a few days old we hope to gain numbers till the release of the map. The map is going to be very realistic and detailed, so the time or exact date is unknown. We hope till then we atleast have a good hand full of members. VOW won't be active till Monday 7/23/12, at 5pm MST time zone. We are going to roam the lands of FluritePlains, untill map release. Also the reason for this pack, is I havn't seen much _realistic_ packs around. I don't mean you have to look realistic and boom- your in the pack. But a pack were you eat in pecking order, submission to your alpha is a must. I ask of each member that applies, to at least know some stuff about wolves not just the basic. Just watch a video on youtube about wolves.

About the pack/ beginning plot: Isa is now alpha, after the death of Maya; the ex-alpha. Maya's death was a harsh blow to VOW, as Maya was the light that shined on VOW during hard times. Maya a loyal, wise, and cunning fae, she left the lands of VOW a few days ago. Her soul now rests in peace. Before her tragic death, Maya knew her time was coming thus she chose to speak with the young delta of their pack. Isa; a fae with no history(find out more in bio), came before Maya's presence. Maya explain her situation to Isa. Telling her, since she had never conceived pups she saw Isa like a daughter. Raising her since she was a newborn, now a fine Delta. Maya offered Isa the position of alpha. Isa really didn't want the position, she wasn't ready nor mated. Which could show great weakness, and Isa feared to lose the pack her 'mother' worked hard to form. Now Isa is in lead, but a few pack members dislike the fact that a wolf, with no alpha blood runing in her veins or history was now their alpha.

Rules and info :
1. No insta-mating.
2. Same drama for roleplay. OOC drama can result in temporary to permanent bans and kicks.
3. Cussing is allowed, but do not over use it.
4. A roleplay post must be longer than two sentances unless said otherwise.
5. We RP in order, not free style. So no one is left behind.
6. We RP in local, OOC in group, far way RP in general(if your alone and or out scouting)
7. YOU MUST BE ACTIVE at least 2-3 times a week unless you alert the Alphas of inactivity reasons. Inactivity without a reason results in a kick. After 3 kicks, you are banned.
8. No mate-begging.
10. Pups must be 5 months before they can leave camp. (2 months to go around camp alone, and for roleplay sake, 2 days IRL until they can walk, talk, and explore.) The hidden word is Meep.
12.  Do _NOT_ hand out the maps unless it is a new recruit, or without Alpha permission.
13. No recuriting for other packs in my ALL.

Pack rules:
1. Lower Ranks can't mate.
2. Before mating, tell the alpha about your thoughts in becoming parents.
3. No mating with loners or out of pack wolves.
4. No speaking with loners or out of pack wolves.
5. Loners found in pack territory are not tolerated.
6. Alpha's word is law.

Violation of pack rules, can lead with higher ranks attacting you, your pups killed/stolen/kick from pack, or other consequences. But really these won't harm you much, since breaking these rules can spice up the RP ;D

Wanna join?

You need to be able to Download a Map, Be semi-literate, realistic, and long-term. VERY ACTIVE! Please fill out this fourm below.

User name:
Time Zone:
Desired Rank:
Hidden Word:

                                                               Valley of Wolves                     

                                                                                                               It's the VOW we made to protect these lands.

Welcome to Valley Of Wolves,
VOW is barely making it's mark on FH, with just a few days old we hope to gain numbers till the release of the map. The map is going to be very realistic and detailed, so the time or exact date is unknown. We hope till then we atleast have a good hand full of members. VOW won't be active till Monday 8/7/12, at 5pm MST time zone. We are going to roam the lands of FluritePlains, untill map release.

About the pack/ beginning plot: Isa is now alpha, after the death of Maya; the ex-alpha. Maya's death was a harsh blow to VOW, as Maya was the light that shined on VOW during hard times. Maya a loyal, wise, and cunning Fae, she left the lands of VOW a few days ago. Her soul now rests in peace. Before her tragic death, Maya knew her time was coming thus she chose to speak with the young delta of their pack. Isa; a Fae with no history (find out more in bio), came before Maya's presence. Maya explained to her situation to Isa. Telling her since she had never conceived pups she saw Isa like a daughter. Raising her since she was a newborn, now a fine Delta. Maya offered Isa the position of alpha. Isa really didn't want the position, she wasn't ready nor mated. Which could show great weakness, and Isa feared to lose the pack her 'mother' worked hard to form. Now Isa is in lead, but a few pack members dislike the fact that a wolf, with no alpha blood running in her veins or history was now their alpha.

Rules and info :
1. No insta-mating.
2. Same drama for roleplay. OOC drama can result in temporary to permanent bans and kicks.
3. Cussing is allowed, but do not over use it.
4. A roleplay post must be longer than two sentances unless said otherwise.
5. We RP in order, not free style. So no one is left behind.
6. We RP in local, OOC in group, far way RP in general(if your alone and or out scouting)
7. YOU MUST BE ACTIVE at least 2-3 times a week unless you alert the Alphas of inactivity reasons. Inactivity without a reason results in a kick. After 3 kicks, you are banned.
8. No mate-begging.
10. Pups must be 5 months before they can leave camp. (2 months to go around camp alone, and for roleplay sake, 2 days IRL until they can walk, talk, and explore.) The hidden word is Meep.
12.  Do _NOT_ hand out the maps unless it is a new recruit, or without Alpha permission.
13. No recuriting for other packs in my ALL.

Pack rules:
1. Lower Ranks can't mate.
2. Before mating, tell the alpha about your thoughts in becoming parents.
3. No mating with loners or out of pack wolves.
4. No speaking with loners or out of pack wolves.
5. Loners found in pack territory are not tolerated.
6. Alpha's word is law.

Violation of pack rules, can lead with higher ranks attacting you, your pups killed/stolen/kick from pack, or other consequences. But really these won't harm you much, since breaking these rules can spice up the RP ;D

Wanna join?

You need to be able to Download a Map, Be semi-literate, realistic, and long-term. VERY ACTIVE! Please fill out this fourm below.

Screen shot or picture:
User name:
Time Zone:
Desired Rank:
Hidden Word:
RP Sample:

Game Help / HELP~
« on: July 06, 2012, 01:30:31 am »
Feral-Heart Crashed When I Exported my map, It won't let me open FH D:

Game Help / Map Terrain Help...T-T
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:04:35 am »
Whenever I type in the map's name in the "Terrain Hight Map:" box the screen freezes,
I move the mouse and finally click and the page turns white and a pop up comes up that says " FeralHeart.exe is not responding"
so I click close program.

The map is:
Gray Scale
Always just 1 layer

So I don't get it nor why it's acting this way.>:[ It makes me really mad cause it took me 2 weeks to make it.

Game Help / Map crashing D:
« on: April 14, 2012, 10:19:27 pm »
Alright so I'm making a map and came to realize my maps are way too small I do the 513x513 everytime and they work. Now I've realized that I want to make a 10,000x10,000, so I did. I went to gimp and choice a 1,000x1,000 (to test the size before doing a 10,000, grayscale and one layer, saved as .png. Then I went to FH, mapmaker, and as I typed in map name blah.png -my test name- FH CRASHED!!!! I don't know what I did wrong please I need help and I don't wanna stick to the 513x513..... D:

Presets & Markings / ::..Preset Request ~Grand opening~:U..::
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:11:54 am »

It's meh Darkforce AKA Darkeh, I enjoy making presets in my free time.
 I don't do meshes though T-T.
I will learn transparanecy later on; for now no transparant stuff :[.
I am better at doing  realistic than unrealistic, just saying but I still do unrealistic.
 I have trouble with eyes so don't expect the best eyes T-T.
I do it for free, but donations are welcome I do have a DA.

Do not claim my presets are yours.
They all have a water mark.(not noticable) :P
Ask to use my presets.
Basicly DO NOT STEAL!!

Game Help / MOD
« on: February 11, 2012, 05:52:16 am »
                                                                  Alrighty well I've been woundering this for a long time now,
                                                           I wanted to know if there is any requirements I still need to meet or do.
                                              It's cause due to seeing so much rudeness and rule violations It has inspired me to be a
                                                                        MOD it is a life long dream that idk if I can ever get there.
                                                                     I know rules have changed and these violations will decrease,
                                                                                    but I still want to be part of the help.


Game Help / What is the size?
« on: February 11, 2012, 04:01:54 am »
                                                  Sorry I was just woundering whats the largest size
                                                                              a map can be?

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