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Topics - Alaska-kitty

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Different chat issues?
« on: April 09, 2013, 05:15:27 pm »
Hello Everyone c:

I have been lately having these chat issues, its not lag and my screen is not frozen. My chat completely stops and no one moves or disconnects, etc. I log off and log directly back and no one is in any maps, I am the only one in the map and my whole friend list is cleared. When I wait for a while and log back in then its fine but then it happens again after 10 minutes or longer.

What is this?


Game Help / Meshes
« on: September 05, 2012, 12:47:49 pm »
Hello there! c:

Well I got a question (of course x3) and its really bothering me. When I put some of the downloaded meshes I downloaded I can see it when I test it and when being in map maker but when I log into my account and go in the map with one of my chars some meshes are missing. When I log off and go back to map maker they are perfectly fine. Any solutions how to get them to show up when I log in with a char in the map?

Game Help / [Urgent Please] Map Problem
« on: September 03, 2012, 04:37:37 pm »
Hey Guys!

I have posted a few of these in the past and only got 1 answer which didn't really help much so I am trying again...

How do I put a map I made available to the public to download? Like where do I press, where can I find it, where do I have to go and how to zip files if needed.

Please include that in your answer since I have been waiting for quite a while now.

Game Help / Map Into The Public?
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:35:31 pm »
Heyloo everyone!

I hope I won't be wasting your time and I hope you can understand what I mean since I don't really know how to exactly explain it but I will just try my best so bear with me ^.^

Well I made a map and was wondering how I would I be able to bring it to the public? I know I got a mediafire account but what do I upload on there and how do I zip the file that is needed up so I can start the upload to the public?

It would be better if you just explain step by step how to put the map in the public, please include where to go, how to zip and what files I need to zip up.

Thank you

Game Help / Map Crashing
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:03:26 pm »
Guys I need help, everytime I try to load my map to add some new stuff in it, it freezes and says "Feral Heart has stopped working" but that is only that one map! When I log on it is normal and I can enter the map but I need to finish it! But I just cant. Read more here

Thank You!

Pages: [1]