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Topics - Narifia

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Remove the Width/Height/Length consrtaints.
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:56:40 am »
I quickly browsed through the topic names to see if this has been suggested, although I didn't check generic thread titles such as "Lots of ideas" or just "Ideas," so if this has been suggested before, I apologize.

Has anyone who has fiddled around with the Character Edit screen noticed the proportion constrictions that are set on the Width, Height, and Length attributes? To elaborate; when you move one slider, say the "Width" slider, the other two sliders automatically move to stick to a certain pre-set proportion system. These constraints are extremely irritating. It makes it more difficult to create more diverse species/breeds with these constrictions.

For example, if I have a character of a certain obscure canine breed, for example the Tosa Inu (which I have to use the feline model for, ironically) and set its length to the perfect length for its' breed, I might find that the width is too skinny. if I move the width slider it ruins my perfect length. Same with the height attribute. I can not get the perfect width, length, and height combination no matter how hard I try or how long I fiddle with the sliders.

I say these proportion constraints should be removed, for the sake of more diverse species/breed creation.

Also, the canines could use an extra body mesh to choose from, or extra settings so that more diverse canine breeds can be made. It's entirely too wolfish/skinny/lean to create breeds such as Tosas, Mastiffs, Pugs, and the more stockier/less lean canine breeds. I'm also in favor of fuller manes for canines, because there are some breeds that would benefit from the look of a thick mane, such as Fu dogs. Thicker/wider/taller/bigger muzzle, neck, and head settings would be beneficial too. Having separate settings for wider/thinner heads, necks, and muzzles would greatly improve customization and breed diversity.

I also am in favor of shorter/skinnier tails for both canines and felines, and curlier tails for such canine breeds as the Akita or Shiba Inu.

Hope this doesn't sound bossy or rude xD I tend to be rather blunt, lol. I love the work that has gone into FH so far, don't get me wrong. It's just that it could use a few improvements to better accommodate more diverse breeds. Also, a setting should be implemented to adjust the arch of a character's back; this would be helpful for hyenas and certain feline species.

(Credit to the arched back setting idea goes to Slycan; I can't remember which forum I read it on but Sly made a great comparison of back/neck arching differences between canines, felines, and hyaenidae).

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