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Topics - Drakkenfire

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Why do I even try anymore?- Needing help
« on: June 24, 2014, 01:09:02 am »

My Feral Heart always crashes like this. Today it was even worse. Every minuete , crashes. The moment I load into a map: crashes.

And It always shows the same popup as in the screenshot.

It gets so frustrating I wonder why I even try playing this game anymore.

Can anyone help me please?

I'm seriously considering not playing FH anymore if this doesn't stop...

Game Help / Grainy Feral Heart
« on: February 01, 2014, 08:44:06 pm »
This has happened before but today is the only day that it's constantly done this.

My Feral heart looks 'grainy', for lack of a better word, when I log in. I'm able to log in and connect fine but when I choose a character and try to enter, it just automatically closes. No messages relating to any kind of crashes. It just closes and takes me back to my desktop

I've downloaded the claws mods for the canines and felines as well as the Aug 22 mass markings pack along with the pawsome item pack.

Any help?

Presets & Markings / My first Fh preset :3
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:46:59 am »

I fallowed this: Feral Heart Preset Tutorial Part 1 of 5 tutorial.

Its a great tutorial with a lot of information on making presets.

Soo what do you think?

note: I have abandoned this Preset and am trying on making better quality presets.

Game Help / The game wont start
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:17:01 pm »
Whenever i download it or redownload it it never lets me open it. It always downloads as a text file instead. Please help.

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