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Topics - princedarkshadow

Pages: [1]
Game Help / unexplainable crashes need help
« on: July 24, 2011, 12:36:28 pm »
hi i made my 3rd map this time i added sky and weather cycles.  I gave copy to my friend and thye got all files in export folder but when the go to enter map it just flat crashes they see nothing does weather and sky go in diff folder or what could be causin prob its not meshes its same exact ones i always use only thing different is sky and weather

EDIT ok i found it its realted to weather cycle when they deleted it from export folder the map works but they donmt see weather anyone one know if files is missing or if they need cycle file inside weather folder etc?

Hi, Cosmo Storm is currently lookin for more members we do semi realistic rp have a map thats always expanding with fun social members.  If you have any quesitons feel free to ask you can reach me here or princedarkshadow online, nice to meet ya and hope to rp together =).

Game Help / How to make lava water
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:15:16 pm »
im tryin to add lava to map replacin the texture of ocean but i dont know how to change the texture, i got a replacement atm its in .jpg format could osmeone help me

Game Help / Re-importing files
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:25:57 pm »
I have question i exported my models into a fho file and darn it i didnt make backup of textures and models so i basically only have the fho file full of my models is there anyway to reimport those back into game to salvage them?

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