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Topics - Gourry Gabriev

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Pastel Islands
« on: May 31, 2012, 12:22:46 am »
Here is the map link for Pastel Islands:

This is quite a large map that may lag for some users. If that's the case, you can download this version instead:

There are tons of custom items on this map, none of them are my creation. My only doing here is the map itself.

I spent a lot of time on this map and it's my first attempt so be gentle~.

Please don't land claim or den claim... No one likes to deal with that.
Also, don't powerplay/godmode.

Here are some screen shots for those interested:

Game Help / Game crashes before log-in screen shows
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:27:50 pm »
I just started having this problem last night after I logged out. Everything was running smoothly beforehand. Earlier today I wanted to edit a map so I tried to open the program and I got the Ogre file problem message. I closed it out, saved my maps, and then re-installed the game but now it brings up that options screen and won't go passed it. I tried re-installing a few more times but nothing's changed... (Tried restarting once too) Any suggestions?

I can get this far:

Then after I click "OK" I get this:

It's never given me trouble like this before... Well, nothing that re-installing or restarting my computer couldn't fix anyway...

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