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Topics - gnmurphy

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Holy magikarp. I'm back.
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:21:22 am »
That's right, I am back cx  I know like none of you remember me, aha, but that's okay.  I completely forgot about Feralheart for the longest time, and then one day, boom!  I remembered!  Getting my account back wasn't easy, I had to like reset so many passwords to emails, but I am back cx

I'm curious, has there been any updates since then? I left around.. mm.. Summer 2012?  That's just estimated.  But anyways, I'm back!

Introduction / Returned^^
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:43:51 pm »
For the longest time I was away from Feral Heart, due to some problems with my computer.  But now I'm back yay!  Now I have to wonder, what has changed from 2011? I must wonder  ;D

~Lone Hunter

So, you wanna go out in 2012 in feral heart with style?  Well, do I have a deal for you!  I am making a map pack that IS PUBLIC for the feral heart community!  Updates will be posted every day.
Beta Testing is up, PM me if you'll test it so I can calculate how many people to see there.Download:
Warning: This is a .rar file, and you'll need Winrar to unzip.  There are a WHOLE lot of files, and Copy/Paste them into exports.  Take pictures, have fun ^___^
Earthquake Prone Area:
N/A at the moment, but soon to come
Change of lineup:
This land was two areas:
A forest with many wise wolves and feral cats,
and a busy city full of life...
But all that changed the day the earth quake happened....When it hit, both halves ripped in half leaving an open gully of DOOM.  And, rumor says volcanic activity is going on....  Will you be the city dog or cat, or will you be a feral cat or a mystic wolf?

Land of Fire:
a Hawaii like area.  Photos soon to come ^_^

Note: I do NOT own any of the meshes.  The only thing I made was the map(putting meshes where they belong) Terrain Mask, and HightMap

This is my spiffy new map :3  I just finished it today.
What's in it:
One den (it IS an all species RP area)
Two waterfalls
Underwater ruins
Starpool(you'll see if you F3 ^-^)  
And much more!  

Pictures of what I took:

Most of the map.  As you can see, it's not a full forest, but also not a full savannah.  Perfect for a RP or two ^-^

This is the Starpool.  It is supposed (with me and my buds irl) to have spiritual calming effects.  And if you fall in, there is a small rock that you can climb up onto, and get out.  

The underwater ruins.  An amazing place to explore if you want to!  There isn't much down there.  But you never know, you may be able to discover Atlantis...well maybe not.  You create your own history behind it.  

The....not so underwater ruins.  As again, this has spiritual connection, and is to be said that free spirits roam around.  Then again, you create your own history behind it!

Well, that's the majority of the tour I can give you.  It's your responsibility to explore now.  Good luck, young wolf/lion/whatever you are!

Download link to Starwater Land(says different on download title I know) :  

Hope to see you soon!

~Signed Vive the Lone Hunter (no copyright to WoW/Blizzard.  I just really like calling Vive lone hunter ^___^)
(not sure what patch it is, I just put 1.07 there because that was the "supposed" patch that we are on right now)

Game Help / Can anyone help me with maps?
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:53:04 pm »
I have the downloading part of the map done, but I dont understand how to get it IN-GAME.  I have the feral-heart folder open, and the map (which was downloaded, and I manually put it in) in it too.  I just dont understand the exports part.
Can anyone help me out with that part?  :-\

Introduction / I am a little new...
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:43:59 pm »
Hiya! I am a little new, and am not sure what to do...if anyone else is new, do you think we could learn or work together!  Any help would be nice, my user is gnmurphy, and my lion's name (or lioness I should say) is Sorasi!  Hope to see people around!!  ;D

Pages: [1]