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Topics - natbug19980

Pages: [1]
Request a Preset/Marking / Could someone please make me a preset?
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:54:47 pm »

This is what she looks like and I don't really care which preset she goes in. I hope that the color things help. Okay, well thank you.

Game Help / Uninstall FH?
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:29:35 pm »
I recently downloaded the day/night mod but want to uninstall it because I don't like it. I love the mod, it's just I don't like using it because when I'm in caves it's pitch black and I can't see anything. I asked for help on the thread and someone said to uninstall FH, the problem is, I don't know how. If I uninstall it will I still be able to have all my favorite mods?

Please Help!

Welcome to i9: Chronicles!

i9 Labs is a privately owned industrial and scientific research corporation. On the surface, they appear as a legit research company, yet they posses dark stories.

The G.E.C.O [Genetically Engineered Canine Operatives] Project

As a military contract, i9 Labs was tasked with engineering a bio-weapon capable of guerrilla warfare. To avoid the media assault of human testing, canines were sought as test subjects. Among the very first of subjects was Auto 00. He was constructed down to the egg and sperm cells which formed his fetus. Even from then, his genes were modified even more. Once fully grown, the only thing left was real world testing. Flourite Plains was the ideal location, with enough wildlife, they could examine him with maximum exposure. Unfortunately, one of Auto 00's abilities was miscalculated. He somehow destroyed his tracking chip and escaped his captors. With their million dollar experiment running free in the plains, the company decided to use Auto as a prototype for further experiments. They would then unleash a series of experiments and allow the strongest DNA to be used in the military.

Shortly after Auto 00 was captured and terminated. The GECO Project was dubbed a failure. All remaining Subjects were reported captured and terminated. Yet, going against the commands of the higher-ups, The Examiner had all Subjects put in stasis chambers and shipped to an uncharted isle. After feigning his death and disposing of all his clones, he soon joined the Subjects in their new home. After all was explained they sought to explore their surroundings. To their surprise, they encountered an indigenous canine pack on the isles. They were the tribal, polytheistic, and hostile Sinai tribe. Defending themselves, the Subjects used their Enhancements. Surprisingly, the natives ceased their hostility and began to worship them as their "gods". They welcomed them and fed them. Sadly, some of the Subjects grew corrupt as they were idolized. They began demanding sacrifices and concubines to feed their vicious minds. Some Subjects began to detest their fellow "Gods", and sought to protect the Regulars from their wrath. This would slowly tear the land apart in a fued that could only end in the worst imaginable way.


Respect the Examiner, the Staff, and the Sentries. They run the Group.First:
~No Wings
~Neon Markings are Acceptable for i9 characters, yet pelts should be a little dim [With the exemption of White]
~Any markings are OK and NO neon colors for Sinai characters.
~No more than 2 characters in the group per member
When in RP:
~Be literate
~Killing is OK
When in the Arena:
~Don't get hung up on realism [This is a Sci-Fi after all]
~You can only dodge an attack twice in succession, after that, take an arrow to the knee

[You can Dodge|TakeAHit|Dodge or Dodge|Dodge|TakeAHit but not Dodge|Dodge|Dodge]
~And all the other standards [Godmod, Auto, crap like that]
When in OOC:
~Try not to get too explicit, in respect of the others [I personally don't care]
~Don't Spam
~No pouring out about your RL problems [Whisper it or Party up]
You will be kicked from the group if:
~You manage to piss everyone off in the Group [Including me]
~The Group has voted on kicking you
~I have given you too many warnings

Code: [Select]
Character Form:

Feral Heart Username:
Character Name (Must have number! Message me to ask about available numbers.):
Class (Staff, Subject, Sinai, etc.):
Enhancements are "powers" given by the Examiner through DNA modification. When choosing Enhancements, please do not go overboard
or become too unrealistic, or risk being denied accepted into the group. If unsure, ask the Examiner or another member of the
group. (Ask me)
Enhancement 1 (For Subjects):
Enhancement 2 (For Subjects):
Enhancement 3 (For Subjects):
Bio (Must be a paragraph or less, includes History, Personality, etc.):
Roleplay Example:
Are you able to download maps and mass markings?:

Visit the link in my signature for more information!

--Alright, well, hope to see you joining! Ta-ta for now!--


Welcome to i9: Chronicles!

i9 Labs is a privately owned industrial and scientific research corporation. On the surface, they appear as a legit research company, yet they posses dark stories.

The G.E.C.O [Genetically Engineered Canine Operatives] Project

As a military contract, i9 Labs was tasked with engineering a bio-weapon capable of guerrilla warfare. To avoid the media assault of human testing, canines were sought as test subjects. Among the very first of subjects was Auto 00. He was constructed down to the egg and sperm cells which formed his fetus. Even from then, his genes were modified even more. Once fully grown, the only thing left was real world testing. Flourite Plains was the ideal location, with enough wildlife, they could examine him with maximum exposure. Unfortunately, one of Auto 00's abilities was miscalculated. He somehow destroyed his tracking chip and escaped his captors. With their million dollar experiment running free in the plains, the company decided to use Auto as a prototype for further experiments. They would then unleash a series of experiments and allow the strongest DNA to be used in the military.

Shortly after Auto 00 was captured and terminated. The GECO Project was dubbed a failure. All remaining Subjects were reported captured and terminated. Yet, going against the commands of the higher-ups, The Examiner had all Subjects put in stasis chambers and shipped to an uncharted isle. After feigning his death and disposing of all his clones, he soon joined the Subjects in their new home. After all was explained they sought to explore their surroundings. To their surprise, they encountered an indigenous canine pack on the isles. They were the tribal, polytheistic, and hostile Sinai tribe. Defending themselves, the Subjects used their Enhancements. Surprisingly, the natives ceased their hostility and began to worship them as their "gods". They welcomed them and fed them. Sadly, some of the Subjects grew corrupt as they were idolized. They began demanding sacrifices and concubines to feed their vicious minds. Some Subjects began to detest their fellow "Gods", and sought to protect the Regulars from their wrath. This would slowly tear the land apart in a fued that could only end in the worst imaginable way.


Respect the Examiner, the Staff, and the Sentries. They run the Group.First:
~No Wings
~Neon Markings are Acceptable for i9 characters, yet pelts should be a little dim [With the exemption of White]
~Any markings are OK and NO neon colors for Sinai characters.
~No more than 2 characters in the group per member
When in RP:
~Be literate
~Killing is OK
When in the Arena:
~Don't get hung up on realism [This is a Sci-Fi after all]
~You can only dodge an attack twice in succession, after that, take an arrow to the knee

[You can Dodge|TakeAHit|Dodge or Dodge|Dodge|TakeAHit but not Dodge|Dodge|Dodge]
~And all the other standards [Godmod, Auto, crap like that]
When in OOC:
~Try not to get too explicit, in respect of the others [I personally don't care]
~Don't Spam
~No pouring out about your RL problems [Whisper it or Party up]
You will be kicked from the group if:
~You manage to piss everyone off in the Group [Including me]
~The Group has voted on kicking you
~I have given you too many warnings

Code: [Select]
Character Form:

Feral Heart Username:
Character Name (Must have number! Message me to ask about available numbers.):
Class (Staff, Subject, Sinai, etc.):
Enhancements are "powers" given by the Examiner through DNA modification. When choosing Enhancements, please do not go overboard or become too unrealistic,
or risk being denied accepted into the group. If unsure, ask the Examiner or another member of the group. (Ask me)
Enhancement 1 (For Subjects):
Enhancement 2 (For Subjects):
Enhancement 3 (For Subjects):
Bio (Must be a paragraph or less, includes History, Personality, etc.):
Roleplay Example:
Are you able to download maps and mass markings?:

Visit the link in my signature for more information!

--Alright, well, hope to see you joining! Ta-ta for now!--

Stories / The Speast, Salire
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:46:23 pm »

Name: Salire
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years
Pups: N/A
Mate : N/A
Species: Speast (I created, more info later on.)

Salire is a strange wolf, she was captured when she was just a young bella and put into a Testing Facility. (Laboratory) There she learned that no one could be trusted, not even who you thought could be your friend. Salire was raised in the Testing Facility, they taught her how to kill, hot to hunt, how to sneak, etc. After she had learned all the basic things about what a wolf should be, she was tested on. Salire, first was tested on her strength. The scientists of the Testing Facility wanted to see how strong wolves could be. They gave her a chemical, which had been called Captium 2408 at the time, aiming to increase flimsy bones strength. They were trying to turn her bones into something stronger, such as metal, sadly they had succeeded in doing so. The scientists had an X-ray done on her and found out that they had succeeded in changing her bones from collagen to metal. They were so happy that they have accomplished what they wanted done, but they soon found at that her new bones did not supply what they needed for her body. The scientists had to come up with another chemical to help her body agree with her metallic structured bones. Soon they did another test, inserting another chemical into her veins. This chemical had a strange effect on her eyes, if had turned them a deep black, which made her able to see in the dark, and farther off than the normal wolves, miles and miles she was able to see clearly. They soon figured out that now her eyes would function correctly with her metallic bones, but they still had much more to do. The scientists still needed to get her blood, ears, and heart, to correspond with her metal bones. They gave her many more chemicals, making sure she would be able to live. The third chemical they had given her had made her ears stronger, letting her hear the slightest noise in any place nearby. Finally they had given her one more chemical, which had two different effects on her, which of course the scientists had planned out. The first effect was on her heart, beating slower than any normal wolf heart, but yet making her heart stronger, allowing her to run at great distances without her getting tired. The second effect the chemical had, affected her blood and her nose, her blood had been turned cold and her nose had been turned sharper. Salire's smelling abilities were enhanced dramatically, she could predict when it would rain by smelling the air for any form of wetness or condensation to come. The scientists were shocked at what they had done to the wolf, they had even given her a type. Salire was called a Speast, incredible hearing, sight, nose abilities, metallic bones, cold blooded, and a slow beating heart. The scientists were ecstatic about what they had created, they wanted to keep her held up in cages and enclosed area's but she wanted out. Salire soon killed off several men to escape the Laboratory of the Testing Facility she had been in. taking a Vorpal Blade and grasping it in her mouth. She ran off into the wild, searching for other wolves like herself. Soon she had found an area that she liked, it was called Ficho Tunnel. Salire normally hung around there during the day, and at night shifted over to either South Pole, Bonfire, or Flourite Plains. Considering she had incredible wolf abilities, she could tell when it was to be dark, whether in a tunnel, a cave, or  anywhere else away from civilization. Salire remains in Ficho Tunnel, waiting for the scientists to come searching for her.

Screenshots / Sirea's Screenies. :)
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:21:10 pm »
Okay, so i'm not real sure if they will show up or not, but i'll give it a shot. :) (Btw, it's from oldest to newest.)

Two wolves combined?

My charrie Mirage.

xD This was forever ago, but this is when Bonfire was supposedly 'broke.'

Me and my hamster friends. :)

O_O  I'm guessing this was some sort of glitch on one of my friends.

Just my character Sky in a barrel/tube thing.

This was Sky in Aequalis in the Yakama Dungeon

Sky eating an antelope? Also in Aequalis.

                                                     Just a group of friends sitting near the waterfall in Ficho.

                                                Again in Aequalis, such a beautiful map!

                                         Aequalis. Close-up kind of.
                                           Aequalis. Close-up again.

                                         Aequalis. Stuck in jail. :(

                                                 Random picture of friends gathered on a rock in Ficho Tunnel.

                                                  My friend Sammey's (Username) character Nature Hollow. :)

                                                       One of my character's in a close-up. :)

                                                 Well since this is the first time trying Photoshop, it didn't come out like I wanted to, but i'm still happy with the result. :) Outline's at :

Alright well this is all for now, but I'm sure i'll be adding more in the future. I hope everyone likes them! :)

Game Help / How do i reset my characters? [Solved]
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:46:41 pm »
I can't figure out how to reset my characters, people keep telling me that its in the right hand corner under your username but mine says, Registration closed, try later, and then it has the log-in stuff, and under the log-in stuff it has forgot your password and forgot your username, but i am logged into the forum, so I don't understand where I should be looking for it... Please Help.

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