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Topics - Ignorance989

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Member Bio & Journals / Ignorance/Jayden(; LOOK AT IT NOW!
« on: September 07, 2011, 11:44:32 pm »
Its JayJay -Removed by Moderator-!(:

Second Pic of Me!

Boy you got my heart beat runnin' a w a y

Scream it,shout it : Jayden

Please,call me this : Jaydee,JayJay,Blackout

You wanna check? : Female!

What am I? : Human being baby!

Such a dreaded day : April 25th

I swing like that : Bisexual

Tugging on my heartstrings : Single </3

What's wrong with me? : ADHD,Anxiety Problems,Clinical Depression

Get crazy get loud lets party go w i l d

I like!

I dislike!
Most people
Text talk
Being ignored
Most of my family
-Removed by Moderator-
Grape juice
My impulsiveness
Attention whores

Cause there's nothin' surgery can do when I break your little h e a r t into </3

A look into my head
So,now I will try to explain myself as best as I can! Overall I am pretty laid back. Drama just isn't my thing. I always tell people how I feel about them,I am a very honest person,yes I know the truth hurts sometimes,but you asked for the truth so I'm going to tell you the truth. Relationships suck. I can never get one to work out for me at all. I'm not sure if its just me or I have horrible taste in people. Eh. I love to party,it helps me lose myself. I have never done drugs and I never will. I do drink sometimes though. It use to be a problem,not so much anymore. My past is a place I try to stay away from,sometimes you can't help but go back to it though. I always look towards my future. I hope its going to be amazing,but I guess everybody wishes for that. (Yeah,I am very disorganized,have you noticed yet?) As of now,I am bisexual,I'm giving that another go. Hm. I love my friends,dislike my family. School is one of my escapes,home is my personal hell. I &hearts; tattoos and piercings,they be sexyyy. Any other questions please PM me! I would love to talk(:

Yvette or ImSoSick85,I love this girl to death. She has helped me through sooo much crap. She literally is the anchor that keeps me tied to this earth. I would probably die if I lost her. She is like my little sister,my wife,my girlfriend,my best friend,everything. I would do anything for her.

You had a lot of   moments that didn't last f o r e v e r

The end! Bye bye! :)

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