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Topics - whitefang1997

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Connection Lost more than once
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:25:21 pm »
So, since I couldn't log in earlier due to the change in numbers allowed on each map(something like that, either way I knew the reason), I decided to get online in the earlier hours of the day just to check that I could in fact log, connect properly, etc. It worked, but about 15-20 minutes later the box that says 'reconnecting' showed up and, of course, soon after it said 'Failure to connect to map server. Retry?' So I hit cancel, logged back in, got my character and went back to the map. About.. I dunno, like 15 minutes later it did it again. The first time I suspected my wifi had died or something, but this wasn't the case(I went and checked, it had a full charge and was working as it should). Nor was it the case for the second, third, or fourth time. So I checked the map numbers, and mind you the map I'm on only has seven people on it, so that obviously wasn't the problem.

These are the only reasons I could think of as to why it continues to lose connection, but does anyone else have any other ideas, a way to fix this, and/or is/was having this same problem?

Game Help / I know this already exsists, but..
« on: July 06, 2012, 10:32:28 pm »
Okay. yes, I know a thread like this already exists, but just reading previous comments isn't helping at all.

Just as another player said, everytime I try and play FH the little window that says 'FeralHeart.exe has stopped responding' pops up. (which is after I log in and choose a character.) I haven't done anything yet as I don't want to screw up my game and loose everything. Is there anyone who can help me out?

Again, sorry for another topic on what I believe is basically the same thing, but I have no idea how to work computers so some one-on-one help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks a ton~

Game Discussion / Just A Few Simple Questions.
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:28:57 pm »
Well, these questions are probably fairly amatureish I should say, but I will ask anyways. ( I never get on my account. I don't even know how to change my avatar on here, I only play the game.. Speaking of which, maybe you could help me out on that one too? ^-^ )

1: The pictures at the top of the page. Some of those are amazing coats! And the cheetah standing over its prey. Is that some type of new feature that is being worked on for the game? Like all the new coat patterns and such?

2: Some chick said something about if you have a really cool coat, you can take a screenshot and send it in, and you have a chance of it being displayed here on the website. Is that true? Or did she not know what she was talking about?

3: Ok. So I have a folder dedicated to Screenshots, right? So everytime I take a screen shot, and open up the chat box once more it always says 'screenshot saved'. But when I go to see the screeshot, it's never there! It NEVER saves them porperlly. I even made sure to make sure it didn't get stored elsewhere, and I never found them. Is this a glitch, is my computer just terrible, or am I just flat out technologically challeneged?

Thanks for reading c:

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