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Topics - KittyOnAFence

Pages: [1]
Request a Preset/Marking / Two Warriors Presets needed
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:21:07 pm »
I am going to need two presets for Cats.
The first one is an orange and gray tabby and the other one is a reddish-brown and white cat.
I am willing to pay Deviant art points but I only have a few hundred, so I'm looking for someone who will make them for less than 100 each. They don't have to be the best either, I just want to get what I pay for.
I have pictures of both characters but they are not yet on my computer, but I will add them in a few hours.
If you would like to make them either reply or message me, thank you.  :)

Request Maps / Private Map for Wolf Role Play
« on: December 31, 2015, 01:21:40 am »
I am in need of a private map for a new wolf Role play. I need the main map to contain a large forest with a swampy area in the North-Eastern part of the map, the North-Western part of the forest on a mountainside and the whole southern part of the map would be normal forest.
The camp in the swamp needs to be on a island in the swamp.
The camp in the mountainside needs to be in a cave and there needs to be a stream outside or in the entrance of the camp.
The camp in the south would be on a hill overlooking a medium-sized pond.
In each camp there needs to be six (6) dens.
One den, for high ranks, needs to have five (5) Nests.
The Nursery needs to have at least six (6) decent-sized nests to fit a mother and her pups.
The warriors and Guards den Needs at least fifteen (15) nests.
The den for the older wolves needs at least nine (9) nests.
The den for the sick/wounded needs to have at least six (6) nests
The final den in each camp would be the trainings den with at least nine (9) nests.
The Omegas will have a space in camp that is not sheltered from the weather. There will be six (6) nests for the Omegas.
I ask that the map be finished at most within two or three days.

I would like a map within the next (at most) week

Thank you :)  :P

Request a Preset/Marking / Can I get a two Presets?
« on: July 30, 2015, 07:49:41 pm »
Okay, well I am looking two different presets, but if all you can do is one, I understand. Okay the first two are for a Warrior cat Roleplay. There is my first character, Mudkit, a brown tabby tom with dark green eyes. I'm looking for something like the brown classic tabby on this site:

The second character that I would like a preset for is my shecat Ashpaw. Ashpaw, as you can probably guess is a medium grey colored cat. She has light green eyes and she is blind. I would like her to look something like the cat on this site:     but with a white bottom jaw.

I would appreciate it if I can have them in less then a week, but if you are busy, I understand. Thank you for taking a look at my post c:

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