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Topics - Croft

Pages: [1]
Leaving / Cancer. [leaving]
« on: April 03, 2014, 06:52:39 pm »
Hi guys...yesterday I jus found that i've got a tumor on my brain.Today or tomorrow I'll have a surgery,but first i need to take pills and some treatments..those treatments are really bad.
I can no longer go outside,or to school.I've got a deadly cell,if I won't destroy it soon,maybe I will close my eyes forever.

Goodbye guys!I'll add some new updates.
goodbye my friends,dear staff and dear users,see you after 5 months. :(

Game Help / It's back
« on: March 25, 2014, 07:36:35 pm »
I reinstalled windows 7 and  i installed feralheart.

but it says :

what to do.

Game Help / I can't get in the map?..
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:05:41 pm »
So hi people.I reinstalled fh and it worked,but something is wrong.When I install a map,and im going in it,my FH game closes unexpectedly.I did reinstall it again,but it didn't work.

I also downloaded fh with torrent,but....i'm still crashing when im getting onto the map.

Game Help / Feralheart keeps crashing [ for a vey long time ]
« on: January 26, 2014, 06:46:40 pm »
Hi guys.
I;ve been sobbing for help for a long time...
Feralheart,has stopped working for awhile.I uninstalled it,then reinstalled,then did the same thing..
I analized it,and I found that FH is not compatible with my window.
Ive got window what??
It worked before,and now,suddenly,what happened? :/

I;m really angry ,thinking I'll never play it again.

What am i gonna do?

Game Help / Feralheart crashes :/
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:26:27 pm »
Hello guyse.I have a problem now with the game FH.It keeps crashing when I open it.
It's something like this:

And it is annoying because I also changed ogre.cfg in this

Code: [Select]
Render System=OpenGL Rendering Subsystem
[OpenGL Rendering Subsystem]
Colour Depth=32
Display Frequency=N/A
Full Screen=No
RTT Preferred Mode=FBO
VSync Interval=1
Video Mode=1280 x 800
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No
[Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem]
Allow NVPerfHUD=No
Floating-point mode=Fastest
Full Screen=No
Video Mode=800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No

Do you guys have any ideas/suggestions?It pisses me off and I really want to play it.

Thanks for your attention.
Have a nice day!

Pages: [1]