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Topics - One True Tame

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Items Invisable to users.Please help.((Fixed))
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:24:11 pm »
I have been having trouble with items ever since I had to restail Feral Heart thanks to a minor virus I got. The virus is now gone compleatly but items I download are visable to me, only other players. I went looking through the help secton to see if anyone else had the problem and it seems a lot have. What I havn't seen is an anwser yet, all the topics I looked through hadn't been responded to in weeks. So Im bringing the topic up again hoping to get an anwser.

Heres what I have done and tried:

-trippile checking to make sure everything is in the correct folder
-transfering codes into the items.cfg manually, not just copy and pasting.(done the same with meshes/materials/and textures, manually moving them into the right folder)
-Reinstaling Feral Heart ( at least 3 times )
-Making sure it wasn't just one particular download (its done this for every map pack/ public item I've tried )

Please help if you can, I know this is bothering many players in the game and Id like to have it solved.
Thank you.

~Zarinthya Arovar

The Eerok pack, is of course a wolf pack roleplay. The site can be found here :

This pack is very new, only holding at 4 members on this day : 4/21/2012 at 9:43pm CET

The Eerok pack includes:
-Forum style roleplay for intermidiate to advanced levels.
-Marks of all kinds as long as colors remain natural.
-More eye colors accepted.
-Custom Titles and Ranks--includes subranks for 'special opps' groups.

How to join:
-Fallow the link.
-Read over the rules and ranks.
-Once aprroved, register.
-Wait for register approval.
-Roleplay! :3

Game Help / Multi-layered Invisble presets?
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:51:50 pm »
Is there a way that I could make a multi-layer preset? So that the entire body is one color but see through and then the markings that  are even more see through or less see through?  I tried doing with the current codes I have and used it for this:

:   but only the top layer will so and the lighter blue is only seen directly around the edges of the markings :/

Game Help / Muiltiple Portals
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:20:43 pm »
Okay.... I royaly screwed myself over some how.... I have Multiple map portals for the SAME map. I have double of the maps I have made! I understand one of them being different becuase I changed the name of it but with the others there are two portals for each O.o how do I fix that??? ALSO One of the maps I tried making I disided I didnt like so I delited the .fho  and the mass file that forms after creating the map, I also took it out of my map maker but the portal is STILL THERE, so now if a accadently run into it I lose the charracter that went it becuase there isn't anything there! Its now a black hole in my map!!

Please help me if you know what I did wrong or how to fix it...

(( Also, is there a limit to how many maps you can have??? ))

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Leaders needed~~
« on: September 23, 2011, 09:57:29 pm »
( There used to be like a character audition forum but I can't seem to find it! XD )

Hello, I am Tame(Zarinthya, Zar) and I made a 5 clanned map for a warriors mass rp. Chill out, it isn't exactly a traditional Warriors styled rp do to the fact I disagree with a few of the "Guidlines" set in the books. So there are some thing changed to be more realistic than the "Amazing 9 lives leaders", and such things like that. Anyway, to get to the point I created the map and am currently going through recreating it (adding new meshses, making larger, things like that) in an attempt to get things moving again. However, this is a FIVE clanned map including a tale between two of the clans being blood related (Please do not ask about plot ) and yet there is only 1 clan currently active, my own.
   So I am asking on the forums that if you would like to lead a clan in my map(we have a website at for images of the old map) please reply/comment with the fallowing infomation:

Name:( User and Character)
Age( Character age, dur)
Breed: (just be known)
Activity:( how long you can be active a day)
Literate: (yes or no, Example please.)
Realsitic:( yes or no, Image is accepted)
Clan name: ( name it yourself, please be orginal)

Previous clan names: PyerClan, TunnelClan,MoonClan,ZepherClan

You may use these names if you want or come up with your own.


Game Help / Ghost wall in map maker!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:54:12 pm »
I am trying to make a map for a new Direwolf group and everytime I upload the turrain map into map maker, there is this huge "wall" in the map that gose strait up into many layers disrupting the sky and other things, when I move the campra the picture its distorted by the diffrent layers in the wall and half the time I can't even see half the map becuase its blocked me see if I can get a screen shot of this....     thats durring a test, -no wall.   outside of the test- just closed the program on me..... -reopens- well....the first map the random wall vanished after I tested maybe I just need to do that. -_- but now the map I was going to attach to it wont even open in map maker....I will have to remake it AGAIN...oh well maybe then I can just test mode it and it'll fix it. :/ WISH ME LUCK!

Game Help / Preset making noob questions and concerns....
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:59:03 pm »
Okay for one thing, in character creator my preset box is completly empty and void of any "preset_1,Preset_2..." ect. I can download the fhm.s of friend's presets and still view them but the box there is blank. Secondly, when I make a preset myself and use the preset_1 as a I need to put in all of that paint styled detail??? Its difficult to fallow, any tips?                     

Also....if my preset box being blank means im screwed into never having a preset.... please tell me how to fix it...

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