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Topics - iiSparrow

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Not-So-New Member
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:48:59 am »
Hey peoples. It's been an awfully long time since I've roamed the worlds of FeralHeart. Got a bit bored and curious a while ago and figured I'd pop my head in again. I doubt anyone will remember me. It's been a good year or so, maybe longer, since I've played on FH. At any rate, I'm Patch (formerly Sparrow; I outgrew that name a while ago). Don't really feel like typing out my life story or anything, but I suppose I might as well talk about my main and really only character in-game.

Full Name: Patch Clockwork
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (believed to be around 1,000); looks 19
Mate: None
Species: Apoc Wolf
Ability: Paranormal (i.e. Possession, "Phase/Mist Walking", Telekinesis)
Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, clever
Likes: Rain, most types of music, quiet spaces, being alone or with a few close friends, sleeping
Dislikes: Spicy food, rap, country, crowds, loud noises, being kept awake
Other Info: She's a loner, and doesn't usually join a pack unless she feels it would benefit her. She doesn't enjoy pups or mothers much, simply because they annoy her. Usually only courts with males when she's bored, and even when she does, she won't let it get too far. There has only been one occasion in which she was completely infatuated with a male, which soon turned to rage and heartbreak when she was utterly rejected. Because of this, she has commitment issues and will usually lash out at males should they remind her of her lost love.
Theme song (just cause): Heart Attack - Demi Lovato

That's about it. If you wanna know anything else, leave a reply or catch me in-game. You'll probably be able to find me roaming Ficho Tunnel or sitting just outside the entrance in Fluorite Plains.

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