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Topics - Colossus.

Pages: [1]
Game Help / How long for Web setup?
« on: July 19, 2017, 06:47:36 pm »
Okay, so I wanted to know if anyone has an idea of how long the web setup download takes?
My malware software is vehemently denying me access to torrenting software and I don't really want to disable it and do so anyway, because they're not that trustworthy to begin with. I'd like to be able to play sometime today though, and this is rather slow going.

I havent played in like 2 years and I'm really pumped to see what the update changed.

Request Maps / Map Request - (Compensation offered)
« on: June 30, 2015, 10:26:37 pm »
Hello everyone!
I'm looking to put together a map, I've done multiple in the past myself, but I tend to lose patience, and either leave them unfinished, or rush the end.
Note, this is a warriors map, not that the creator needs to have background about the series, I am willing to explain what would be needed for the map making process.

So what I'm looking for, is someone with attention to detail,  who won't drop the project, and have it done quickly. - If you don't meet those requirements, please turn back now.

I'd like there to be three territories, how they're connected I have no preference, only that it is as natural as you can get it.

Territory 1
This one is to be a salt water marsh- something like the image at the top, tall grasses mostly, an occasional bush, steep banks. Somewhere, a collection of dens (The camp) maybe just ditches or hollows in roots along a bank. Maybe a few more in random parts of the territory.

Territory 2
This one is mostly in the cliffs by a beach or something- think California. The dens can just be dips in the rock, rather exposed to the elements, or in little canyons, this one is mostly up to the creator.  

Territory 3
This third one is whatever you need to smooth the way between the other two, throwing in another camp- and hopefully keeping within the land-forms found in California. You can look here for images, all of which are located in the san diego area. ^^

Pleasepleaseplease pm me, as opposed to commenting on this thread, if you're interested, come ready with samples of your work, and a fee in mind. (Nothing ridiculous please, I'm not giving you 200 USD for a map.)

Game Help / Random giant cave appearing?
« on: February 25, 2013, 01:18:06 am »
I was in a map with a friend, and they're seeing random giant caves where they aren't meant to be. It's hard to get past them, and it's really a problem.

We all see it like this:

And she sees it like this:

If anyone knows how to fix this it would be highly appreciated. ^^'

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