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Topics - Bloodwolf1994

Pages: [1]
Characters / Yuki Snow Character Bio (with pics)
« on: June 06, 2013, 04:18:08 pm »
If you have any questions after reading this don't hesitate to ask, I promise not to bite.

Name: Yuki Snow

Age: young adult

Gender: Gender-fluid (often refers to himself with masculine pronouns)

Orientation: Bi (prefrence changes with mood)

Species: Twin tailed fox

Mate: none, not really looking

kits: none...not really a fan either.

Friends: Seron the Mexican grey wolf (awesome guy XD)

Personality: Shy, rarely speaks except when spoken to (or around a friend). Is loud when he does speak (has not mastered whispering). Often gets mad then forgets what he was bad about. Is easily calmed from his little rages. Has a tendency to bite first and ask questions later when he feels threatened. Would rather run like a rabbit than fight (is very fast when fleeing the scene XD). Often likes to fallow deer or horses around when bored.

Apperance: A fox on the smaller side of normal and a lot fluffier. Has a "Fire and Ice" pelt, twin tails, and green eyes.

History:...Nunya XD

Pics (these are done by me): { }

Characters / BrokenWing Dragon Character
« on: October 12, 2012, 09:23:30 pm »
Name: BrokenWing

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Adult)

Race: Dragon

Species: Vampyre (My made up race)

Orientation: Bi

Status: Single

Clan: none (Not interested)

Rank: loner

Friends: none

Hatchlings: none (maybe willing to adopt)

Appearance: {Working on it but these things take time}

Personality: Shy yet friendly once you get to know him. He rarely ever goes up to anyone to start a conversation but he'll speak if spoken to. He's a very kind hearted male but is in no way a push over.

History: Was once a member of the red guard (an army under the command of an evil king.). He realized what he was doing was wrong and tried to flee with his family. He was found out and his family butchered. Broken wing then had most of his right wing torn off (thus the name BrokenWing)

Species facts:

Vampyre dragons need blood to live because their blood cannot carry oxygen.

Taking in blood from other creatures is called feeding not eating.

They need to eat regular food just not as much as regular dragons.

Can't breathe fire

Are a race of furred dragons

All members of this race are Sonokenetic (can manipulate sound)

...No you may not make one.

Vampyre dragons and BrokenWing the dragon (c) Elissa Calhoun

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