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Topics - PumkinPie5764

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello, My Fluffles.
« on: March 13, 2013, 11:54:12 pm »

Hello, My Fluffles. My name is xx-HappyTerros-xx, obviously, and even though I have posted a few times, I am still setting up a welcome thread. I honeslty don't have any ''real'' known friends yet so I hope to meet some by posting this. Played Feralheart, I absolutly love it, Rping, Chatting, all of that. Also, as you can tell, I am quite literate. Practically born literate. I'm not pushing any offensive comments toward semi-literate or illiterate people, I swear. Nor' I am bragging.

Anyways, I hope to meet some good people and get more into the forum then into the game at this point. :3


I downloaded a warrior cat map and after that everything dissapered except for the sky and water?! I need help! I tried installing FH twice and it didn't let me? Rocks, Boulders, Bushes, Trees, and hill marksare missing on the regular maps! I have also noticed its only happening on the regular maps and not the maps I download. So I would appreciate help from anyone who knows how I fix this! Thank you.  D:

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