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Topics - feliciathewolf

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / A Little Idea Based Off Of Lately.
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:46:11 pm »
OK so lately I've had problems connecting to the maps servers of some downloaded maps and I really don't want to remake the characters. (I think it might work later anyways.) SO I thought of an idea. What if you could go into the character editor and reset your characters home there to? That way if your stuck in a map you can just go back home instead!  Since Lonely Cave is the new home I don't see how you could have problems with it! So you could just reset your home in the character editor and then you don't have to remake that character! I hope you guys like this idea because I certainly do!  :)

Introduction / Hello. I'm a hopeful soon to be item and mesh maker.
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:23:10 pm »
Hello. My name is Felicia. I'm pretty new here and I'd really like to learn how to make items and meshes. But I need so help. What programs do you use to make meshes and items? I have Blender and Python but I heard of other programs you need also. So any help on that you be very much appreciated!

Also I'm starting to make presets and maps to! So I'd like to be able to add items onto my characters and meshes into my maps so if I could learn how I'd be very happy!

Game Help / How to make meshes?
« on: February 25, 2012, 08:04:28 pm »
Can someone please tell me how to make Meshes and what programs I can use? And PLEASE don't say Blender. I've tried to use it before and I have always had problems with it. Also it would be nice if someone could tell me how to texture the meshes as well. Help please?

Game Help / How to put a preset into a download?
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:50:35 am »
OK so I've started making presets and I've been trying to find out how to put the preset files into ONE download so other people can play as them. I've been trying to use mediafire. Some one please help me!

Game Help / ''Failed to connect to front server'' Help Please!
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:34:29 pm »
OK so a friend of mine just downloaded FH and FH+ yesterday and they can't play either of them they both say that they can't connect to front server! I did the best I could to help them but still no luck. Any ideas? They turned off their firewall and also already re-downloaded them but it hasn't worked.

Game Help / FH+ Has no land... PLEASE HELP!
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:17:22 pm »
OK so I just installed FH+ and when I tried to play it once I got into the character creator it showed the characters arrows and the edit and start button along with the names of the characters but that it no background. So I just clicked start thinking that maybe it's suppose to be like that or maybe my computer was just being a little slow. But when I clicked start when it got done loading I could see the chat box and the characters but no land or sky just black. Please help me!

Game Help / Height Map causes a crash? Please help me!
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:04:54 pm »
OK so for a while now I've been trying to make a map but every time I put the name of the height map it crashes! I put the mask in before first just to see if it would work and it did perfectly fine until I put the height map in then it crashed again! I tried every thing I could think of but it just wont work! It does that for other maps I've tried to make lately to! PLEASE HELP ME!!

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