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Topics - welshwolfie

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Feral Heart Friends List
« on: June 07, 2015, 05:38:55 pm »
Hi, i just came back after a few years since i havent been on here in ages, but all my friends are gone, i dont know if thats cuz they all removed me cuz i was gone for so long or if the system does that itself, i just wanna know whats going on, make sure my account hasnt been previously hacked or whatever lol

Introduction / Hey there! Midnight here!
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:02:49 pm »
Hey there. I have had a few problems when i first made a feral heart account i couldnt get into the game so now i have deleted that one and now i am ready to go. The First friend i made on feral heart was Pretty Evil, Shadewingwolf was the first one i RPed with cuz i first met her on WolfQuest but all credit is due to CursedDeath, when she came on wolfquest she mentioned about herself going on something called feral heart when i saw her message during the summer holidays and if she never mentioned it i wouldnt be here even though i joined two months after she mentioned it and then when i first made my account i told shadewingwolf that i had a new FH account and she happened to have one too so i thought i could RP with some friends on wolfquest and maybe get some more friends on FH which i did Pretty Evil (by the way she called herself Missy on the RP) we had a good RP and i wouldnt be able to get onto the game without the great advice from Red, if he didnt give me advice about deleting my old account and making a new simpler one then i wouldnt have ever got onto the game. So all of my friends on here are Shadewingwolf, CursedDeath, Red and Pretty Evil. so if you see them say that they have got a good friend called Midnight and that i wouldnt be able to get into the main game without their help and support! ;) if any of you four are reading this then thank you very much for supporting me, helping me and letting me know about this great game!
Hope to see you soon in some RPs
P.S. my character is on the avatar, i made him myself

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