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Topics - meowxo

Pages: [1]
Other Games / New Game! Isles of Eventide
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:47:59 pm »
Hey guys! Guess what?! I've recently found out about this cool new game, though it IS still in early development and it probably wont come out any time soon. Its very similar to Feral Heart and Wolf Quest. Its called Isles Of Eventide. Its a free game in which you can play from a feline, canine AND horses! You can explore and survive the wilderness!

Here is a link to a video that kind of explains it more and shows off some of the progress! ->

Website is here ->

Forum is here ->

Game Discussion / Do you like horse characters?
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:57:01 pm »
Throughout my game play I've noticed that many people don't exactly like horse characters that are from the wolf model... :( I know there have been times where horses (especially in Bonfire) are quite annoying. I wonder if there are any other reasons? Maybe you just don't like the fact of having a horse as a wolf?
Anyway... what are your thoughts on this?

Game Help / Account not working on FH?! Help!
« on: February 20, 2013, 07:11:21 pm »
My account doesn't seem to be working on the game, I can login but when I click on a char then click start it comes up to the loading screen then says 'feralheart is not working'. Now, I don't know if I had done something wrong but my account seems to work on the forums. Can you help, please?

Also, I found out a minute ago that my sister's account works on my computer when I log on her account but it still wont work for my account. How is this possible?

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