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Topics - DesertofDeath

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Ideas for map making and NPC maker
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:14:07 am »
Maybe (if NPCs and fighting/hunting and quests are added) you could choose settings for these on your map. Like:

Health Bar (yes/no)
Get Slower when Less Healthy (yes/no)
Die when Health Bar Empties (yes/no)
NPCs (yes/no)
NPC Characters (list of characters with checkboxes)
NPCs Drop Items (yes/no)
NPC Breeding (realistic/spawning)
Hunting (yes/no/only NPCs)
Dying in Hunts (yes/no)
Fighting (yes/no/only with permission)
Fighting Location (normal map/special arena/either)
Dying in Fights (yes/no)
Quests (yes/no)

Also an NPC maker, which has all the options of the normal character maker, but with strength, speed, stamina, health (how big the health bar is), reproduction settings (choice of breeding seasons, how long it takes for them to grow up, etc.), lots of behavior settings, killing/eating settings, and what items they drop.

Plus there could be some of these settings in the normal character creator.

In the map maker you could make quests for NPCs to tell you to do and settings for how a certain NPC moves (not at all, follows, runs away, on a path, or randomly) and if they are able to be killed.

Just ideas for if NPCs/fighting/hunting/quests are made (I always think ahead). I know these probably won't get added but I want them to. No flaming please D:

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