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Topics - melly1230123

Pages: [1]
Species / Vulpus Serpentine
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:46:59 am »
These canines are obviously some fox/wof hybrid. They originate from far off deserts and dwindle in numbers Their main defense is heir venomous bite.

Males are strong and large, and higher ranking ones usually have first pick in the ladies.
Females are petite yet their venom is significantly stronger than a male's and they usually get first pick in meals.

The only know pack left of Vulpus Serpentines is Veliatrihx Chronicles, led by Lady Aki. She is true VS royalty and her fangs are strangely long meaning she can use Royal Jelly contained next to her venom arteries to turn normal wolves into Vulpus Serpentines. The process is extremely painful, and take several days to complete. Some wolves lose their sanity due to the loss of sleep and the consistent stinging in the eyes teeth, and chest. In the end, fangs and snake-eyes have grown.

Please whisper melly1230123 in game for permission to create a Vulpus Serpentine.
This species is a W.I.P

Species / Fediacara (Fediac), members of the hybrids
« on: April 15, 2013, 02:12:22 pm »
Fediacara, plurally known as the Fediacs, have now entered the hybrid family! Since their breed is so new, they are extremely rare. They live in groups called priacks, there are only two males per priack and the rest are females or kits. They can have wings matching their body color (realistic please), horns (if male), and are a even mix between almost anything. HAVE FUN!  ;D

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