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Topics - iceshard

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Adverising breakdown
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:10:09 pm »
I know 'breakdown' is a little over reacting, but since general went down, many of my roleplays are starting to falter.

I have been noticing problems that started to appear when general was taken down.

- Really Hard to recruit, tell players that we are here.
- We don't usually get members.
- More people go in-active

- Less people joining.
- Less groups being made
- Existing groups disappear.

I am worried that taking general off is a bad idea... and It needs to come back or a new Advertising thing in the game should be applied, because the Movies aren't working....

I also think that while in game, ask the general public around you about if they want general back. I did it and got this.

Yes: 12      No: 5

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Ingame group Idea!
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:27:48 pm »
Ok I got this awesome idea for groups that RP! Ok ok here it is.

It would be EPIC is we had a little bit more things like

-Total group member count
- In game ranking system
- Looking for group signals

Ok first, I hate it when I have to count all my members when there is a LOT of them total, so maybe we could have a small icon showing how many members we have in total, we could also have another place telling how long each member has been offline since they where on last! Two simple things that would make this game a little better!

Second, you know the place in the group icon that shows all the members, would it be nice to be able to organize the members into ranks? The leader of the group would be able to organize it, and it would fix all the confusion on who is in which rank!

Last, I got this idea from EQ2, a game I love to play. There could be a page where users who are on can put their character on it so that they can find whichever group they are looking for! And when they log of, their name disappears, preventing over crowding of players looking for groups! it would also work with groups looking for members!

well, this is it! my ideas! Please post you comments about these ideas below~

Game Help / a little help with wings please! 030
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:28:55 pm »
can someone tell me how to use the wings? can you fly and how? i realy want to know!  :P

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