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Topics - AppleDapple12

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Never introduce myself (whoops)
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:35:00 am »
Hi, I'm Nikita... I'm horrible at introducing myself, bare with me.

So two things I really show passion to is horse riding and drawing (mainly horses and only recently wolves).
I own a horse of my own, she is a thoroughbred and my world c:
I also own a dog, which I am always taking him for walks and jumping him. His so cuddly.
I enjoy meeting new people.

Food: Pizza
Animal:Horses and wolves xD
Actor: Ian Somerhalder (Because his so damn good looking)
Singer: NOT Taylor Swift. Urm... Idk
Book: Wolf Cry
Colour: Blueee

I am a quiet person at first, but once I begin to get to know you. You wish you never met me ^.^

Ummm, yeah. I apologise if this was boring.

If you have questions for me, feel free to ask. :3


Introduction / Hello!!!
« on: April 25, 2013, 09:28:28 pm »
Hi, I'm Nikita, I have been on here for awhile but I have never posted a thread on the Introduction board. So here I am!

I also had a question!!! How do you get your downloaded present to turn out right? Because my presents turn out like this (it also looks like this when I try to export it!) :

Please help me in putting a tutorial in reply or something. (I have seen some tutorials online but none work?)

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