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Topics - 19SCHAEJ

Pages: [1]
Introduction / I kinda forgot...
« on: December 05, 2012, 03:27:18 am »
Well, I've been feralheart for about a year, at least to my knowledge, but I've been a wee bit shy, I suppose. I have pretty much no posts and such.
 My character's name that I generally use is Air, if you've seen me around.
 I haven't really done anything, not even joined a role playing group or anything! So, I'm here to drop in and say a very late hello to the Feral Heart community. If you have any suggestions on groups to join or places to go, just tell me! I'd love to know. ;)
  Now, I know not everyone's perfect. I, for one, am terribly antisocial(hence the not posting after a year,) and tend to write pretty wordy things.But I try not to focus on the negative. It's like staring at the sun. Negativity kind of blinds you and spots your vision of people, I've learned. So, on the good side, I have good grammar and act as friendly as I can muster, even around meanies (Heh, meanies. What a silly word to use, I know.)
 I hope to see you, reader.
And I hope I'm not hoping incorrectly...

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