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Topics - dite3

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Art Gallery / dite3's little corner
« on: June 29, 2012, 07:41:11 pm »
Alot of people have been pointing the finger/paw/claw at my "Prince Belphegor" character, claiming he's a no-lifer, a meanie, a nobody, he's not a prince and so forth.
Normally, I would just ignore, but cause I love twisting the knife in the wound, I have been a Role-Player for about 5-6 years now.  I have been role-playing as this character for about 2-3 years now. I have the manners of this character, sometimes playful, sometimes drama-llama, sometimes plain cruel, or the best lover you'd ever want. Don't go claiming I have no friends, cause you don't know  me or the character's story or the current status of my role-play. I am a somebody IRL, I am a top grade student, single child and getting all the affection and love from my lover, friends and family.  
Please reconsider your approach when you want to talk to my pixels. I will treat you exactly the same way you treat me.
But enough about me bragging about myself, I will not write a bio on the character, since it would be constantly changing, along with the RP.  Also, if you're interested who Belphegor actually is, feel free to check out his Reborn! Wiki page. I'm not claiming him as my OWN CHARACTER. The Prince I play is him, in my and ZoDS's role-play 'dimension' if you could call it like that. You know, like those people from making their own stories using existing characters.
[+1 internet for Reborn! fans out there, please contact me in-game @ dite3 , since we are looking for more fans to expand our role-play group.]
Enjoy my art~! And pardon if the pics are too big! I always work on huge canvases.
Tell me and I will try to resize them! If there's a modify button...

http://www.mentalstar.deviantart.comMy deviantArt page!
 I am open for Commissions, Art Trades. No requests. Sorry.

Characters / [Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FH Roleplay] Characters
« on: May 12, 2012, 05:56:36 pm »
This roleplay curently runs between users dite3 and ZoDS .
We are NOT looking for new people.
 Please refrain from interfeering with this roleplay. When we will require more people, we will let you know :3 .
Please refrain from copying these characters.
However, you can watch and listen to our story. :3

This is a Work In Progress character bio sheet.
Character list:
Characters that need to be added:


Name: King Vincent
Nickname: Vinny, Pops, Old Man
Age: 31 (at death)
Gender: Male
Status: Deceased
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Adeline (Deceased)
Children: Belphegor, Rasiel
Short History:
Vincent had married young and started a family as quickly as he could, knowing he was dying from a rare strain of TB, none infectious but twice as deadly.
To make sure his family legacy was to continue he managed to raise his twin sons, Rasiel and Belphegor. However he saw Rasiel as weak as he began to cling to his mother, so taking the young Belphegor under his wing, training him in the arts of combat. When the twins turned eight, his disease had caught up with him, turning him frail and ageing him before the eyes of his sons. His time was cut even shorter, when in a fit of jealous rage, discovering Vincent had named Belphegor the next king, Rasiel cut his father's throat in the night.


Name:  Queen Adeline
Nickname: Ade, Mommy, Mother
Age: 28 (at death)
Gender: Female
Status: Deceased
Marital Status: Married
Spouse:  Vincent (Deceased)
Children:  Rasiel, Belphegor
Short History:
Adeline had married young and started a family with Vincent. She always was on the soft, diplomatic side; teaching Rasiel how to deal with things the nice way, avoiding fight much as possible. However, her love and care for Rasiel has blinded her from her husband's condition and her other son's well being, putting Rasiel's health and condition first priority. Even after her sons' argue and murder of her husband, she still cared more over Rasiel. To the point Belphegor paid Rasiel the same coin, killing her.


Name: Prince Rasiel
Nickname: Jillu
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Sibling:: Belphegor
Marital Status: Single
Short History:
 Born the twin brother of Belphegor, he had always detested living under his brother's shadow watching him grow up with his father's guidance. Unable to impress anyone but his mother, Rasiel chose to instead work on the more diplomatic skills needed to be a king one day.  Hearing the news that on his deathbed Vincent will announce Belphegor the next king, Rasiel took it upon himself to slay his own father before his time, sneaking into the infirmary in the dead of night to slash Vincent's throat. Unaware that Belphegore had been watching, Rasiel went to announce his father's untimely death to his mother, only to find Belphegor standing over her corpse with a bloodied knife. From this point they went their separate ways, Rasiel staying in the family home, and Belphegor joining with the assassination group Varia.  It wasn't until he turned 20 that he tracked down his brother again and to everyone's surprise, not in revenge.


Name: Prince Belphegor
Nickname: Bel, Prince The Ripper
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Sibling: Rasiel
Marital Status: Taken
Lover: Fran
Children:  Accidia
Short History:
Born the twin brother of Rasiel, he had always been on the wild side, picking up a fight with Rasiel whenever they would be in same room. His father, noticing his lust for fighting and dominance, took him under his wing and trained him to become the next King of their land. He had always complained to his father in private about their mother not paying attention equally to both of them. Once their father got ill and on his deathbed, Belphegor would watch over him from the shadows, just incase. To his surprise and horror, his twin brother Rasiel had snuck in and killed him. Paying the same coin and filled with rage, he ran off to kill his mother. For not treating him as her son, and as a revenge on his father's death. Found ontop of his mother's corpse by his brother, he ran off into the night. He joined Varia a couple weeks later, due to boredom. For a while, the young prince clung to one of the older members, Superbia Squalo. He loved teasing the swordsman to the breaking point, where they would end up throwing tables and chairs around at eachother. Years later, a fellow named Fran joined Varia, and Bel had a new toymate, "tossing" Squalo back to their Boss. Bel hated the new boy in their group, he hated his cockyness and attitude, but on the other hand, he enjoyed teasing him, stabbing him repeatedly with knives. The young boy rarely flinched, mostly ignoring him, or complaining in a monotone voice. They soon grew unseparable, as they kept carving for eachothers attention, to the point one night it happened, don't ask how, Bel did get pregnant. 9 months later, their son Accidia was born. Since he grew up without any parents, he soon finds it hard to look after a kid.


Nickname: Froggy, Franny-cakes  
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Marital Status: Taken
Lover: Belphgor
Children:  Accidia
Short History:
Fran joined Varia because of his skills with the mists and that he was forced into it. Something he no longer regrets. At first it was a love hate relationship between him and the other members, some of them liked him, other hated him, Belphegore wanted to kill him and Fran hated everyone of them.  So it came as a shock to everyone in Varia that a few years later, Fran and Belphegor had become an item, even if it was an unstable relationship, the pair seemed to lavish each other's attention. Spending night and day with each other, much to the annoyance of Superbia Squalo, who soon found himself pushed back into the arms of Xanxus.  One night of passion, and a strange dose of 'magic' Fran ended up impregnating Belphegor, and nine months later, their son Accidia was born.


Name: Prince Accidia
Nickname: Ace
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Short History:
Born as a "miracle" child of Bel and Fran, Accidia still finds it weird to have 2 fathers. He's slowly growing up as the next prince under Bel's guidance. Sharing same traits as his "mother" Bel, he's sometimes a pain for the elder Varia.  


Family Tree:


The human version of them is made on IMVU, a virtual chat program.
The role play does NOT run on IMVU, but offscreen on MSN or Feral Heart

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