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Topics - Cougar

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hallo thar! :D
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:32:18 pm »
Heya everyone reading this! After having lurked on the IT forums for roughly a year or so before the servers were taken down, I've decided to creep out from the shadows since I'm so excited about FeralHeart ^^

I'm Erica, but the char I will RP as is a young adult female cougar named Raexi. She doesn't have much of a back-story yet. She's personal to me, as she's also my personal fursona.

As that term may have given away, I'm something of a furry, though not exactly as hard-core and paranoid about it to "fleshies" as I used to be.

Hope to see you ingame someday!

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