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Topics - Diamondsky

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / COPPA law
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:00:33 pm »
Yeah, Hi guys.
I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention; COPPA law? Yeah, this game technically shouldn't be available to people under 12.
Because it's essentially collecting information from children of that age, and clearly plenty of people on here do not meet the criteria of COPPA law.
I'm not saying this to be taunting, it's more out of concern.
If someone reports FH for not following COPPA law, game goes crashing down.

If i'm wrong, state that I am, and state proof. I'm not just going to take someone's word for it, i'd like definitive proof FH doesn't quality to be taken down by COPPA. All the IT games follow it accordingly and FH isnt any different.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Fantasy Frontier RP
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:55:59 pm »
Our little story takes place in the land of Grazeus, an expansive, beautiful land, with many different people and places. Any other land would have horses, cows, birds, the like, but we have... Eidolons. These complex creatures are the result of the Cube of Gaia, known in fairy tales and children stories as the thing that created all life in this land. No one knows if it is truely a real thing, for no one has witnessed it. They are very wild creatures, coming in all different shapes and sizes. Some are brought up as wild pets for children, others are horrible problems that need to be purged. There is a certain... Magic in this land as well. Us humans have learned to wield it. Some of us travel the path of a normal weapon user, others travel the path of magic, both good and evil. Though in this age, the Cube of Gaia has been much more active than usual...

Welcome to our RP's advertisement! We are literate, active, mature, human, and yep, FANTASY! We are a growing group in need of members! Fill out the form below, and i'll check if its okay.

Character name (Don't worry, you can use a stationary name and change it later on <3):
Skype name (If you feel uncomfortable with saying it on the thread, just PM me!):
Situational RP sample: You are walking through the woods. Suddenly you are jumped by a group of deadly giant dragonflies. What do you do? (You gotta rp this situation out <3)

Our website!:

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another."
Luciano De Crescenzo

We are the Hunters of the Shadows
What are Hunters, you may ask?
We are a species of half humans, half angels.
Our species was created long ago by one man, and one angel,
shedding their blood into a cup,
to be consumed by those who have been born with the Sight.
We battle Demons,
of every shape and size,
in hopes of saving and keeping humanity at peace.
We may too,
encounter demons,
who decide to side with one of us,
though that fight, is a hard fight.
Our numbers are small,
our lineage may die young,
but we teach the youth,
to fight the fight that has been raging for hundreds of years.
For more info:

Interested? You have to fill out the form below to be able to join. This rp is a top notch, mature, literate rp. We also rp on skype, just so we have close-by contact with one another. Really wouldn't want little kiddies joining this either, this is also 13+

Character name:
RP sample:
Age (BE TRUTHFUL. I hate liars.):

If you pass this, with my okay, you can make an account on the forum. You have to have your character's FULL name on it and make a thread . Don't forget to read the rules~!

Game Discussion / Something that bothers me...
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:41:53 pm »
Before reading this, I do not mean any personal attacks to any group/ individual, i've been seeing it a lot and I decided to post out of my own opinion of it. NOR am I forcing anyone to listen.

I've read through some threads, and i've noticed some repetitive things...
People say the staff don't do their job...?
Okay Pause. People like this:
Ooooh! The staff don't do their jobs! They just sitz around teh map and
A million more times, NO.
The staff have been trying their best since Kovu left to keep this game alive. Not all of them are gonna be online/ gonna be able to keep complete order to... How many members?
About 900 (possibly +) I think...
Do you seriously think that such a small amount of people are going to be able to control that many people at once?
Unless the staff somehow have psychic powers, (which they don't) they aren't gonna be able to do diddly quack about every problem or fight that surfaces.
Thats what REPORTING is for! :D
If you want rude/ innapropriate people to not be around, ACTUALLY PM A STAFF ON THE FORUMS A REPORT.
Don't just sit down and make a thread complaining about it and end up making yourself look ignorant.
I can't believe how many people complain that the staff on here are lazy.
I haven't really talked/ met any staff, but I know that they are trying their best with their job but are also not very happy that those of you who complain that they don't do what they are trying to do.

Also those of you who are ready to complain about a ban or something , I encourage you very hard to read this again. c:

(Not trying to be rude, or offencive, I was just trying to get my point across at my anger towards those people who are like that..)

Game Help / Maps won't delete even though deleted & a map won't get on
« on: December 14, 2012, 06:43:58 pm »
I did everything to delete these annoying three maps (One of them destroyed my opening login map you see when you are loging into the game.) Though when I deleted them completely from exports and downloaded this new map, They still stayed and the new map didn't appear. What is going on?

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