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Messages - Fivael

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Funniest thing you ever done with a friend?
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:15:05 am »
OMG that reminds me! 
A good friend of mine and I were in South Pole, and we had identical looking characters. We crept up to this roleplay group, and we watched them the entire time. They stopped their rp and asked us what we were doing. But we did never talk to them. We just copied each others movements, like moved our heads at the same time.
We sure freaked them out XD

Game Discussion / Re: Strangest Role-play Groups?
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:11:17 am »
Yeah, people will come up with the weirdest roleplay..
I've seen breeding dog roleplays, which I thought was revolting.
But I've seen "Internet browsers" roleplay and the "SwAGG RP"

Game Discussion / Re: Hetalian community in ascention island?
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:08:17 am »
I remember when I first saw the Hetalians in Ancesion Island.
I didn't know what the roleplay was back then, so I thought people were roleplaying as "talking countries" 
People and our random noob moments XD

Game Discussion / Re: I did NOT "steal"your markings!
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:04:21 am »
Character stealing has got to be the worst harassment on FeralHeart.
Like I mean really? Don't well all have our own imagination?
I think people like this are just pure lazy, and pretty much bored, and immature.
Or just basically trolling.
Lets make FeralHeart unique peeps, and keep everyone's characters different. Variety is the point :)

Game Discussion / Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:59:08 am »
I'm a fellow Cross Gender roleplayer. I don't really see anything wrong with roleplaying as the opposite gender than yourself. Many people do so all the time.

Honestly, why do people roleplay with such strong vocabulary?
None of these roleplay samples made sense to me.
Can't people just use normal words? Like the fancy terms for head, eyes, etc always confuses me, and its hard to understand what the person is saying.

Game Discussion / Re: Literacy/Powerplay Fails
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:44:35 am »
People like that tend to annoy me!
Like if you can't spell, then you should review your grammar at least xD
And non capitals in a name?

Game Discussion / Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:40:15 am »
People like that should be reported for harassment.
Honestly, I've seen lots of this happen while exploring few of the maps.
There were two people dancing in neon bright characters, and people were ranting at them and calling them "trolls".
This 'hatred' for noobs like this, should stop.
Like come on? We were all noobs at one point?

Species / Fenids, a rare, and uncommon species.
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:36:06 am »
I formerly had a private group for this species on FeralHeart, but due to people constantly copying my species, and claiming it as their own, I've decided to let people use this species. If you want a character that consists of the fenid race, don't hesitate to do so! Anyone can make a fenid from now on if they want. The only thing you'll be doing for me, is making people more aware of my talents ^^
Heres the link for the Fenid info :


Leaving / Thank you FeralHeart
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:28:04 am »
I would like to thank the community for all their work, and their appreciation for the members of this game.
I'm currently not active on FeralHeart, because I broke the rules, and I received a strict punishment.
Being away from the community has made me realize what I did what wrong, and what I could do better to improve my actions. I recognised how foolish I had been, and I'm more than over joyed to return to the community after my ban is over.   
This message is not to ask for my ban to be lifted, but for others that are interested to look at this thread.
Remember, people who are new here, you should follow the rules, and don't follow the path that I had taken.
Overall, thanks staff! =3

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