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Messages - _Sparrow_

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Mmmm...The .exe didn't work when I tried to install it quicker, and the .zip file is taking forever to download...

Other Games / Re: A new HORSE MMORPG GAME! ( In making)
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:04:17 pm »
OMG. Been waiting SO LONG for one of these! ;O; <333

Other Games / Re: Virtual Dragon Games?
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:34:54 pm »
There is an IT server with the meshes as Dragons. It's called Dragons Den. Just go to and sign up. :3 Hope this helps!

Well, I think the files were deleted from my laptop somehow, so I'm gonna have to re-configure everything, maybe even delete these and make new, better ones. I may not be able to get it all done today, but I'll try as soon as I can.

Wow! Been a long time, terribly sorry guys! HUGE bump.

Oh yeah...;~; I forgot. Lol.

It does take alot of time xD And I hope KovuLKD will fix the problem soon...

Thank you for the suggestions. :3

When I log in and try to go into Flourite directly without going through other maps/portals it will either ALWAYS say: Bad Token or Failed to Connect to Map Server. I am getting very irritated with this problem, and I don't know how to fix it. So, help please? :-\

***HUGE UPDATE***!: Sorry guys, I can't make anymore markings since my GIMP program disappeared from my laptop. I will try to figure out a different way to make new markings, I may re-download GIMP. Sorry for the inconvenience, but keep your eyes on this topic for when i come out with new markings as soon as i resolve my problem. :) ~Darkie

*Another Update*: I Just finished making a new marking. It's called Random. xD I will be putting it up for download right now. Thanks for your patience everyone! ^^ :3

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