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Messages - Levair7

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:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE films done by Ghibli film makers!! The movement, STUNNING! thank you soooooo much for this! *must nuzzle and cuddle chu* <3 <*^.^>

Love it! Also, I been trying to fix the kingdom key's positioning, since it isn't in the mouth when originally. Can you tell me the right placements please? I reallly would appreciate it. Btw, I am your fan! I love that you convert this stuff for everyone to enjoy! <333 *nuzzle huggle* XD

Other Mods/Creations / Re: .:Tetsu's Wearable Items: New! WING ITEMS!:.
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:54:46 pm »
Ohmygosh,ohmygosh,ohmyGOSH! *fliping dies for 50 years from the amazing, stunning, beautiful wings, comes back alive and goes on knees* I want to be mrs. Wingmaster! JK! I LOOVEE THESE! Perfectworld wings, and the other wings look like they are from FF series. You.Blow.My.Mind.AWAY!! :DDDD *gives you nuzzles for life* <3

May I say your presets are absolutely stunning, especially Nanakai, I am a huge fan of Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts, your work has just blown me away. If I may ask, I am allowed to wear the presets or are they for designated preset requesters?

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:59:57 am »
I ban Omega for using wrong chose of words! (Lets keep playing the ban game! :D)

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: Ouka/Hanzo's GUIDE to find Mesh's/Item's!
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:53:32 pm »
Awww, your very sweet to had done this for all of us. I thank you very greatly. I am finding every item ever made for FH that is public and putting them all into a download, So that everyone will see exactly what others are wearing, and will have all the items. Of course, I put in the read me that all the items do not belong to me, therefore credit goes to the ones who created these items. <3

The link says it is no longer in mediafire. May I have the link please? I really would like a den. <3

Other Mods/Creations / Re: bodyparts please!
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:14:02 pm »
Trigg, may we pay in Paypal or DeviantArt points? I  really love your tail that is a feather you created and would like to request something from you.

Where did you get that cave/den that is underneath the water? there are 2 two of them underwater I want to know where you got them from. I realllllyy would like to use that brown one under the water for my rp map. :3

News Archives / Re: Slowing things down a little
« on: September 23, 2012, 09:09:35 pm »
Idon't see my post I put up in this topic. I said this is a good chose, but I just have a question. Please do not think me stupid for asking, but when the game is back up for all allowed on again, will users that have been here for over years have a certain amount of time to play each day or are the ones that newly register going to have to wait a few days before able to get on?

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