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Messages - moonshimmer100

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Introduction / Re: Pointless post of pointlessness
« on: June 16, 2013, 01:12:43 am »
Well, at least your honest. :P welcome back!

Game Discussion / Re: What makes you happy in Feral Hearts?
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:44:24 am »
A lot of things, but mostly being in an interesting active rp. Unfortunately I have a lot of trouble finding them these days.

Game Discussion / Re: Best Roleplay Ever
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:39:22 am »
Tough question, my favorite was a hyena clan called Hyenas Blood. It was a great rp, very active. I was very sad when Taz disbanned the group. I made a few friends there but unfortunately I'm no longer in contact with them. :( I really miss Hyenas Blood.  :'(

Discussion Board / Re: In School, Home Schooled, Or In College
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:53:35 pm »
I'm in high school in grade 10, but school year is almost over so will technically be grade 11 very soon.

Discussion Board / Re: Rats: Filthy sewer monsters?
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:49:00 pm »
I love rats. Domestic rats are some of the sweetest, cleanest pets a person could have, and I respect the cunning and resilience of wild rats, keyword respect. Wild rats are just as ferocious and dangerous as any other wild animal, so you won't find me trying to snuggle up to a New York city sewer rat anytime soon, any more than you'll catch me trying to hug a Russian timber wolf. 
I strongly agree with everything you just said :3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Rat Colony
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:49:59 pm »
Hello (I'm new to advertising on the forum so excuse my newbishness.) I am advertising for a rat colony rp. It is realistic, semi literate, and mapless. I do not ask for a rp sample. If you haven't made a rat character before and are not sure it would work on fh, here is my failure explanation on what I think works best: I strongly suggest using the canine model and make it really small, then using cat tail and hyena ears. For markings I suggest siamese, ear rims, and spotted hyena tail. In a pinkish colour. That's what I think works best anyway if anybody thinking of joining doesn't know how to make a rat character. I really need members, so if you want to join I'd be extremely happy. My username in game is Chewy9810 so if you want to join.. whisper me or something? I don't know how this works. Thank you for reading! ^_^

Discussion Board / Re: Rats: Filthy sewer monsters?
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:37:33 pm »
I love rats. I currently have two, and at one point had four. Ive had a total of 15 ratties over the year. Im sick and tired of the people who get caught up in the stupid rat stereotype (or any stereotype). They never bite unless you basicly leave them no choice. Once my sister accidentally ran over one of my rats tails with a rolling chair (Its tail was bleeding) And you know what it did? It squeaked and ran on on her lap. The never bite. They dont carry diseases if their well breed. Their tail is a tail. Get over it. Rats have helped test new medicines. In they wild they can be aggressive but are still amazing. In the wild they have higly socalized packs. Thats why when you have a pet one your supposed to have two rats so they dont get lonely. A rat left alone with no cage mate and is scarcely played with can become depressed. Wouldn't you?

Sorry for the long post. I love my ratties <3

I think you just officially became my best friend.. xD I love rats. I have two females, they are so loving! If you wouldn't mind answering a question, can you tell me what some good games for rats are? Mine tend to be a bit picky, Lily will play the bobbing for peas game, but my other rat won't and they don't care for toys or anything. I find they never want to play or do anything but explore and get treats. Sorry I'm getting off topic here, anyways you're amazing. I'm glad I was able to find another rat lover here ^_^

Discussion Board / Re: Rats: Filthy sewer monsters?
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:11:05 am »
Pet rats are very cute little creatures in my opinion. Pet rats don't have disease stuff, people!
Rats are cute and handsome creatures. Bigger than mice, smaller than rabbits. They are cool.
I know some things about them, in fact I've seen a pile of baby rats in a pet store (kinda a pet store) before. Cute little guys. Or was that mice... I remember it as rats.
Wild city rats are a bit disgusting, because they are the ones that have disease as I've heard.
Pet rats are completely different. They are good pets I'm sure, and I don't think they should be treated as hated sewer creatures.

So, I have to agree. I honestly don't mind rats, I hear the pets bite a little bit, and I've had bad experiences with being bitten by a rabbit... But I honestly don't mind them.
They are good creatures. Well, I guess I've made my point. Post over. ^_^
I'm glad you can see them in a good light ^_^ Pet rats rarely ever bite, mine never have. If you really think about it though, is it really the wild rats faults that they have diseases? they aren't evil they just aren't so fortunate, but yeah I see your point :).

Discussion Board / Rats: Filthy sewer monsters?
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:06:42 am »
Hello, I am making this because I have noticed recently how many people hate rats simply for being rats. For example, I have pet rats now and they are so sweet and loveable not filthy or diseased at all, When I first asked my parents if I could get pet rats thier first reaction was "Eww why do you want  rat? why can't you get a hamster or a gerbil instead?" and they would always get this crinkled up face and speak in a disgusted tone. It's like they pictures the sweet cuddly animals I wanted as filthy diseased vicious little monsters. After i suckered them into the idea they turned out loving the rats! they are constantly going into my room to see them and hold them. Them, they didn't know a thing about rats until they had met one. So lots of people stereotype rats to be filthy unworthy creatures that need to be killed, simply because that's what they've heard! It upsets me that everytime I take my rats out for a walk people say "Ewwww it's a rat!" "Eww look at it's ugly tail!" "Why do you let that thing live in your home!" "why did you get rats? they bite and they're filthy!" no rat deserves such terrible rumours spread about them, they're very intelligent and cute little things and they can make extremely loving pets when domesticated. So why do most of us humans hate rats without having ever known really a thing about them? I guess my question here is what is your opinion on rats? do you think they're cute or do you think they're filthy pests that must be exterminated? I'm quite interested to see what the FeralHeart community thinks of these animals.

Discussion Board / Re: Can anybody help?
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:08:45 am »
A sudden increase in appetite usually means she's pregnant. As this is common trait for most "Mothers to be" they increase there eating to also feed them and there litter they are carrying. Looks like someone os going to be a grandma. Anyway, like mentioned above already leave necessary items for her to make a proper nest for herself, if not something suitable to be one such as a hand made next. Here ill also provide a link of more information on this so it would give you a better idea:

But something like this shouldn't be quiet, I would tell your parents about this and what actions should be taken. Taking care of a mama rat and her babies isn't really a walk in the park. Ovcorse they can naturally take care of themselves but without proper monitoring over the babies and if she does give birth to a male, then there might be more babies you got on your hands. Perhaps get your rats neutered to prevent more babies.
Thank you! but it turns out Lily is not pregnant, id she was it would be the longest rat pregnancy ever! she appears to have lost a bit of weight and gotten back to normal, eating normal. She had been building a pretty hidden nest before but she stopped that when she got back to normal. Maybe she was pregnant and the babies died? I have no clue. She isn't showing any signs anymore. Maybe she was just getting fat and lazy, no clue.

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