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Messages - Heagato

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Game Help / Object maker issues.
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:49:34 am »
alright, this is driving up the wall- But first, please forgive me for being so helpless and asking so many questions all the time.

So, here is the thing. im trying to make a simple long stone bridge. i used a square, flattened it out, stretched it as the base. stuck a collision on it. (collision stands for collide right? like youll run into it?)
okay, so thats nice, but then i go to make the sides.

i use the same way i did the base. made a square, stretched it to my desire, but this time i rolled them to make the sides.
i did the same with the collisions over the sides.

but this is where im getting frusterated: i can stand ontop the base, but i walk strait through and fall out of the sides. its stone, i want it to be solid. how can i fix this?
please, and thank you.

Game Help / Map making - Semi urgent.
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:16:28 pm »
this is semi-urgent because i have a poll up about this map im asking about, and the favor mights be weighed donw in it being taken down.

Anyways, i started on this map with a flat surface, thinking id go from there, however, after create the basics of my map (somehting that cannot be done easily again)
i find that i had forgotten that the group level is not strait.

So, i am asking if there is any way for me to go into PhotoShop, create my ground so its uneven and i may add a small river,
and then murge it with the map iv already created with all my objects in it.
Or if there is any way to transfer my objects to my new map so that they are in place.

If you do not understand what im asking, i will be more than happy to repeat myself more clearly.

Game Help / Re: map help- not urgent.
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:57:42 am »
no i didnt, let me try that.

EDIT: thank you Ouka/Hanzo. i could not figure that out on my own. my old computer set up allowed me to simply put a whole folder into exports, which is why i was getting confused.

but thank you again, i shall remember this from now on.

Game Help / map help- not urgent.
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:28:07 am »
hi there, hows it going? im pretty good, albeit a bit frusterated.

you see the cause of my frusteration is that my computer completely crashed about two weeks ago which caused me to loose all my FH data while it was in the shop.
now, this is fine seeing as i needed to clean up anyways.

However the problem is this: one map is not working.
this is a map a friend made, Mirkwood2. the original is a .RAR file. i also tried a ZIP file.

you see i had already downloaded five other maps with no difficulty, but when it came to this file, it would not download. it originally said it could not be opened due to it eing a RAR file.
so i downloaded winrar, tried that. worked.
i put the folder "Mirkwood2 folder" and all the folder's belongings into Feralheart= Exports.
just like i did with the other maps, and just like it was before my comp crashed origninally.

now, i know i might be doing something wrong, but iv followd all the steps, and even re-downloaded a portal that i knew already worked in the same fasion.

so the problem is this: i have everything right, everything done as told. so why isnt the portal for Mirkwood2 showing up in the cape?

other: yes iv restarted feralheart multiple times, changed characters, went through other portals and came back to see if that would work. nada.
iv tried with both the mirkwood2.RAR file and the mirkwood2.ZIP file.

the portal simply is not showing up.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart ITems! Images & Downloads
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:29:52 am »
I cant see the items! Please help

Game Help / Re: someone please help quick.
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:23:18 am »
well, thank you all so very much, but i cant stay up any longer. ill try it out tomorrow, thank you!

Game Help / Re: someone please help quick.
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:20:05 am »
oh okay, thanks. then i just click "own collision" and it will in the map maker? no saving?

Game Help / Re: someone please help quick.
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:15:37 am »
do i just type rockisland.mesh in the name?

Game Help / Re: someone please help quick.
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:08:37 am »
where can i find the platforms? to use in my map? and by platforms, i mean the small round (sometimes square) platforms you have to jump on in order to get to Sky's Rim.

Game Help / Re: someone please help quick.
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:01:18 am »
okay, thank you all so much, iv figured it out., i had a web-browser running which was why it wouldnt let me save anything. (weird computer)  one last question. in SkyRim, what are the round (or square) things we jump on called? i cant seem to find them.

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