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Messages - StormClaws68

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Ooo, cool! Otherwise, I think a marking that would look nice for a dingo would be underfur, haven't tried it out though.

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite type of roleplay?
« on: May 29, 2014, 11:45:24 pm »

My favorite type of rp?

Well. I'm one of those outcasts that love horror and supernatural rps. Like you, i also like those rps that accept unrealistic canines or felines, but those are so rare. The one i probably get to join most area warrior rps.

How do i find my rps?

Most of the time its by self rping <--- tis such a loser xD
But seriously, sometimes when you do, others will bite and join and it can get pretty interesting. Yea my rps arent that organized. :p

Ooo, horror and supernatural RPs are fun too!
I'm going to have to try that sometime, just to see where it leads (:

My favorite role play is warrior cat role play. Just look around and try to find a clan i bet people will let you join there role play.

Finding the RP isn't the problem, finding one I'm interested in, is.  ;)
I've done a decent number of Warrior RPs, but I am rather bored of them. Usually everyone is pretty nice though when I ask to join them  :)

I would definitely RP as either a dingo or a clouded leopard! It sounds like a lot of fun depending on how many other people decide to join in!

Game Discussion / Favorite type of roleplay?
« on: May 29, 2014, 10:17:59 pm »
Hello everyone! I'm curious as to what RPs are popular in the community! So I ask-

What are your favorite RPs?

Mine is probably Wolf Pack/Lion Pride RPs that accept unrealistic characters! I rarely get to do them though, unfortunately ):
I also prefer to RP with people who don't use txt tlk or Wolfspeak. Spelling isn't really a big issue as long as you're trying (typos happen, and I do them a lot XD), and I don't have a preference between scripted or paragraph post-styles. :D

Second Question

What is your favorite/best method for finding an RP?

Mine is to sit near Stone Bridge and stalk the posts/movies to find one I'm interested in. It isn't all that effective, I only find Warriors and realistic Wolf Pack RPs.


Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: May 29, 2014, 09:48:37 pm »
6/10 I've seen you around before (:

Introduction / Re: Hello!
« on: May 29, 2014, 03:20:45 pm »
Hi! Welcome to Feral Heart! If you ever need someone to RP with, message me here or I'm usually online as Raven or CrazedPelt (:

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart music issues...
« on: May 29, 2014, 12:02:40 am »
No problem  :D
If a re-download doesn't work, double check you computer's sound settings, and your FH sound settings.

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart music issues...
« on: May 29, 2014, 12:00:01 am »
I love Kellin ^-^
ANYWHO,  I'd just go ahead and re-download. Won't hurt anything and it will restore any files you MAY have deleted.
If that doesn't work, I don't know what's wrong ):

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart music issues...
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:55:57 pm »
Have you checked to make sure while messing around in your files, that you didn't accidentally delete anything?

If so, copy-paste anything you'd like to keep safe to a different folder, re-download FH to get the lost files back, and open it up. If you get music, it means you just deleted something on accident (:

H ^-^

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