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Messages - miksara1o1

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Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 16, 2013, 05:09:05 am »
It's all flooding back to me now! Ok here is some more.
Went in south pole and got a 'pup' our relationship was basicly running around,talking in whisper, and never RPing.I became friends with that person and their siblings. I now think that they were newbies and all the same person because they knew even less then me at times and had the same basic  personality, and all stoped playing all the sudden (( I still have them as friends even though I have not seen them for close to six months)) I miss 'them' 'they' were good 'friends' and joined with me into an warrior rp ((my first rp that I was surprisingly able to be litterate in)) as a  begining apprentice ((just started training)) With a pretty epic past.and ended up being depuy (( the rp died off soon but I think at its prime it was the best rp I have ever been in. We had alot of fun. Long live Hiddenclan~)) in. I met my curent Feralheart best friend from that rp so I was not heart broken too long.
Once before my 'friends' quit I had been so addicted to fralheart I pulled a 48hour long playing streek.I ended up having somewhat of a mental break down. Heres what I remember:I was chatting with my friend and her new found mate and all the sudden I blacked out for who knows how long (( I was home alone for this as I was most of it)) nd when I woke up the computer screen looked all messed up and dissorted and I ((out of my mind in a way)) attempted to chat. Whats happining to me? but i'm sure I just typed 'uhhefhbl enFNE;FHUAFNAOI' ((I don't think my friend was on for this because she never brought it up)) Or not at all maybe just spazed around. Then I blacked out again and woke up hours im sure later. I felt like I was going to die and keep shouting," Im going to die I feal like Im going to die kill me now kill me now" tryed to walk out to eat but was shaking and fell soon so I crawled over and was too weak to try to stand up or lift myself up so I got some chips from the bottom shelf and ate them ((Im sure half of what I tryed to eat ended up on the floor)) then I tyed to crawl back and blacked out. I woke up and screamed, "WERE AM I?!" and paniced for about 3 minuets before I 'forgot' about it and crawed back to bed for awile just stairing at a wall mummbling stuff before my dad came home. He called for me to hug him and somehow I managed to and was suddenly sleepy and just walked off into my room attempting to go to sleep. He called for me a few times trying to gt me to see what I think was his ne moterbike and I never awnseed untell finaly I got up and screamed,"NO I WANT SLEEP SLEEEEEEEEP!" and was bawling. He let me sleep and in the morning I was fine.

I noticed alot of you were doing the list style so for a challange try to do at-least one if not all of your When I first joined I......s' like this if you can :) I wil pick a random person who does all ((at least 4 t)) of them like this and they will have a map request. ^^ Have fun. Sorry if you could care less I just wanted to spice things up.

Game Help / Re: Every map I stay in too long crahses my FH
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:11:48 am »
bonefires crashing for me now..just a heads up for anyone whos fh seems to be like mine and crash in any older map XD and thanks both of you

Game Help / Every map I stay in too long crahses my FH
« on: January 09, 2013, 12:59:59 am »
so i was hanging in the cape and my FH crahsed...tryed again and guess what? crash! So I asked genral in fico what was up and they said "oh the server must be full" So I said ok..ok then reset my char.. THEN when I was in fico IT Im going to Reset my char AGAIN! I'm afrade to stay in the loanly cave and be out of options...WHAT DO I DO!

Art Gallery / Re: Zaroque's Gallery Corner. - Updated 31/12/12.
« on: January 06, 2013, 12:47:11 am »
Im in love with your art! keep up the amazing wolf
Proscript: The picture, ((I think is)) 15, makes me laugh trying  to think of the story for that XD

Game Discussion / When I first joined I.....
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:13:36 pm »
My friend recomended that I make a when I first joined I.... for people to talk about stupid things they did. I dont have much of one and if you don't as well you can just make a list. If you have one you could try to make a story out of it. Have fun ^^

ok mine is.
1.Thought 'derp' was a bad word.
2.Took 10 mins to move for the first time
3.Halked only by clicking for a week and a half.
4.Had no idea how to..Dash,fly,croutch,or sit/lay down for 3 days.
5.Wanted to know how to turn my typing green((genral chat)), and why I could see typing when no one was around me ((genral chat)).
6.Didn't talk to anyone because I was afrade they wuld come to my house and kill me.
I'll probibly think of more, but now it's your turn.

Game Help / ~Character Reset Glitch~ Help Needed ^^'
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:00:38 pm »
When I put in my username and password in Character Reset all the screen does is flash and put me back on the 'enter your username and password' page of it. My friend reset one of her characters that was in the plains at school so I know thats not how it goes. Please help if you can, thank you. ^^


Other Mods/Creations / Re: PrideRock! The Link is Up!
« on: December 15, 2012, 03:55:49 am »
I'm willing to upload it for anyone who wants it :)
PLEASE make a copy for me! (( i sound pathetic XD))

OMG I want to join this! PM me on here if I can this is awsome! but are you litterate?

Other Mods/Creations / Re: PrideRock! The Link is Up!
« on: December 14, 2012, 02:37:10 am »
*crys because the link does not work* i-i love it so much *sniffles* anyway i can get my hand on it?

.:Join Request Sheet:.
In game user name:Bluestars
cat name:lightningstar
Desired Rank:Leader of lightningclan
Age: 2 seasons  4 moons
gender: male
appearance: have not made up my mind yet but trust me ill be realistic
mate: none atm
kits: are cute  (( sorry sarcastic mood today XD)
personality: around his clan: nice, gental, kind, loving, noble around anyone else: can get violent, ferce, strong, brave.
Rp sample: Lightningstar looked around him. The forest trees swayed ever so softly to the sweet spring breeze that had come that night. He flicked an ear as he heard voices and looked outside the bush he had been hiding in. The male saw the two lovers together, both red with the passion of the love they shared, and the tom wished he could as well have a love so strong. Padding over to some neer by water the tom made sure the lovers did not notice him and he floped down by the shore. As he looked at his reflection a leaf fell from a neer by tree and fell onto the nose of the mirror that stared at him. The reflection swirled and turned into the part of him that others saw, hatefull and vilolent, he then smashed the reflection out of shock and turned away.Why was life so unfair?
Realstic: yes :)

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