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Messages - Dragoneer22

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Site/Forum Help / Chat Glitch?
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:27:16 pm »
Everytime I log on, there's no option to go to the chatroom I use the chatroom a lot and not having access is kind of annoying...

So why doesn't the chat appear? I've tried refreshing the page.

Desmond growled under his breath at the announcements, taking a brief moment to examine Aster. He did his best to just wave off the large view screens, showing everyone the battles. He look up at Carter.

"You realize it's all bull-crap right? They're showing only a small slice of what really happens. There are matches you don't here of, fights you don't see. When you get useless, they find a quiet way to kill yo-" He spotted Preston in the crowd, his hand on a woman's shoulder. He didn't recognize the woman. But he'd know that ass-hole anywhere. His eye color flickered in and out between sadistic gold and Deep blue and green.

Everything that asshole had done was slowly coming back to Desmond. He stood up, his eyes there insane golden color. "Him. He needs to die." He took deft steps forward, attempting to move through the crowd as quickly as possible.

Thersea walked by the cafeteria doors, just before Aster came out. He seemed in a hurry, and thus didn't recognize her presence there. She looked in to the cafeteria, expecting to find Desmond. She walked towards him slowly, not wanting her little brother to recognize her approach. Then she saw him get up, an odd haze about him.

"Ah !@#%&!" She grumbled, slowly making her way to Desmond


I've all so been busy with my recent surge of Deviations. You should look. My most recent is poetry. (IthinkishIdon'treallyknow.))

I can't do much since I decided to interact with the first of the Zombies.))

Sorry, that's what I get for writing in the morning. :U And you're welcome by the way.))

Thersea advanced towards the sword-wielder, then quickly side-stepped, brought her self behind him, as he began to turn she flung out one nunchuk for an attack. It connected with the figures head, turning the figure to ones and zeros as it turned to strike her.

A two figures appeared now. One wielding a staff, the other, yet again, had a sword. Though this one had a scimitar. She rushed towards them on the offensive.  She attacked the pole-wielder first, though he had other plans. The pole flung towards her chest, though she easily evaded. The second attacker descended from on high. She the blade with the chain of one nunchuk, and the pole that tried to smack her with the other.

Locked together she looked between the two figures. She yanked the pole down, then twisted the sword, sending out of the figures hand. She released her nunchuk and ran along the pole, giving a swift kick to the pole-wielder. She back -flipped, landing infront of the figure B. She sweeped her legs under him, knocking hus legs out from under him, then she jumped and landed elbow first on the figure, blasting him in to binary.

She quickly got back up, discarding the nunchuks. They were useless compared to her fists.
(To be edited later.)

He nodded. "You're welcome, I do need my daily eye candy." He slammed his head on the table, waking himself a bit, but mostly just causing pain. "Well, that hurt." He yawned. "So, what's up with you?"

Preston touched Rochelle's shoulder lightly. "Need help moving through the crowd Ma'am?"

I'd like to join though I have a question.

Do I have to use a realistic picture?))

Site/Forum Help / Re: FeralHeart Chat (Help)
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:48:14 pm »
BlastChat was recently updated, meaning FH's chatroom was all so updated. If you haven't updated it on your computer, you may not be able to use the Chatroom.

I'm having the same problem.

[/color]Desmond looked up, seeing a familiar dragon. He motioned to Thyus, then looked at Mars, relizing that despite his height the crowd made every thing difficult.

"Could you-..?"

"Consider it done."
Mars flew off towards Thyus, stopping in front of the dragon. Mars made a small buzz and motioned his tail towards Desmond, indicating he'd like him and Carter to come over, then flfew back to Desmonds waiting, outstrecthed fingers.

Half my heart a gift of purity.
Half my heart a deadly curse.
Half will live in sweet obscurity.
half will take me to my hearse.

Desmond awoke naturally, which was an oxymoron, considering how it was un-natural for him to wake up on his own. He sat up, his hair a complete mess. Good morning, beautiful. Mars said sarcastically.

"Screw off, Mars." Fine. Mars replied.

Desmond yawned and stretched then stood up. Just a few days ago they had thrown him in to this place, and he already hated it with a burning passion. He had recently discovered his sister, Thersea, was all so in Gylar Xen. Couldn't have one with out the other, he guessed.

Desmond stood up. Well, attempted too. He lifted his legs then fell back in to his bed. F*ck Gylar Xen, he'd take his sweet little time this morning.


Thersea was up and already eating her breakfast in the cafeteria, occasionally throwing Shiva the sausage that she didn't want. The bacon however, would not leave her sights. Neither would the biscuit. The eggs she was neutral on. After treating her-self to the serving of bacon and the orange juice, she bit in to the roll of bread. She took the small saucer of eggs and placed it out for Shiva to eat. Shiva gorged down on it.

She looked around, watching those around her, she knew fully well she might be matched against any one of them at anytime, and she needed to learn their quirks, though she wasn't as observant as Desmond when it came to that. She didn't have much success at all. Though Shiva was different.

Tell me what you notice about them, Shiva.

Some of them carry themselves with pride, a little too much if you ask me. Some of them know their place, but all are determined to get stronger.

They've got ambition, I'll give 'em that.
Thersea threw the remains of her food away and left the tray to be recovered later by the Lyxeries. She had to train as well. Even if she didn't like it, she'd have to fight sometime or another.


Preston Laktaive caressed the innocent, shy girls cheek. "Come on now, darling, don't resist. I can tell you've been wanting me." Preston mused to the girl. He as seducing another, drawing another in to his web of agony, he'd hurt her just like the rest. "Lily, I feel the same way over you, I just didn't know a better time to ask."

She turned away. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I just can't, it's not you, it's me, really." He wasn't used to denial. Though he was magnetic, Lily wouldn't be drawn in. She walked away briskly. Well, another chance lost. He'd have to find someone else. Until then, he'd go get some food.

He began to walk to the cafeteria. He;d arrived at Gylar Xen just three days ago, but already he was fitting in well, people liked him for his dark but strong appearance. His fashion sense was a bit eccentric but he didn't care, he'd dress the ay he liked. Plus, Gothic Victorian suited him.

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