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Messages - Pinkan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:26:14 am »
My dream you say?
well i always, ALWAYS have dreams that tell me my future every once in a while
millions of times like the one at my english competiton, and the one i saw that i was eating
and i had a dream where i became a superhero in teen titans.....
and other weiiirrddd dreams i had that i can remember a bit

~happy new year~

Discussion Board / Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:16:26 am »
well i've heard of some....
cupacabra,bigfoot,lochness,.......i guess thats it (unless you count werewolves)
im not a fan unlike you, and i should say you have a thing for monsters
and thats a looong list you got there.

P.S: yes the moment i read momo i thought of the lemur in avatar haha
~happy new year!~

My favorite Roleplay in FH?
well i should say that the best roleplay i have ever been in is with my friends in group SoulGrim Smile
it makes wolves a bunch of benders (ik not normal).
My charrie went blind and everything but all the friends there are the best
Thats why i luv that roleplay, and i still get to do that today! (if i can login)

~Happy new year dudes~

Introduction / Re: New lemon scented account/ new person/ Hey there
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:01:18 am »
Welcome new lemon scented friend!!  ;D ;D
Hope you like your stay in FeralHeart!

ooh and happy new year

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: January 02, 2014, 01:07:31 pm »
wow Thyme....that sounds terrifying..
hope that doesn't happen.

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: January 01, 2014, 04:40:59 pm »
My fear of FH?
well i only have 2 fears:
~ The staff leaving us (nuuu)
~ and most of all, FH SHUTTING DOWN

And sometimes i worry if the game had to move, like what happened to Impressive Title.
What happens to my friend list? i love ALL my friends online just as much as the ones i meet
every single day.

a bit off topic: i like the trollers in the game, they are hilarious to watch (unless your a victim XD)

Game Help / Re: Laggy crashy FeralHeart!
« on: December 31, 2013, 10:20:30 pm »
Hey there Mayah!! I don't really know what type of problem you have....
But I suggest you go and look to the big help thread.there's a tutorial on how to fix just colours (idk about just blue). Or maybe it's because of the HUGE crowd that you play with? I know I have problems cuz of that....... I wish I could help you more but I'm a JR player so i don't know much stuff.   ;D

~hope this helped and happy new year!!!~

i'm done! im not good with "kind of see through" though so please don't be mad if it's bad....
and i won't mind Rii, just don't take ma Thunder! (XD)


Hi again! sorry i haven't posted the picture yet.
I had some Christmas parties to go to  ;D 8)
but now that im back i can tell you that the line art is done!
i just need to put it in my laptop and colour it up!

Note: it will be too big for a signature,but maybe in a good size for a wallpaper
Peace out! ~ :P~

Request Other Mods/Creations / Re: Item Request
« on: December 28, 2013, 07:45:12 am »
Hi galiou! love your work!

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