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Messages - zoey419

Pages: 1 [2]
Species / Clones of the Cave
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:05:06 pm »
Imagine you are a clone, born and bred to serve others. You have no individuality, only a letter and some numbers. You have no family. No mate, no pups, no mother or father, no siblings.. You are given a job according to your abilites. Every male is tall and every female is about normal. You all are skinny with slim foreheads, cheeks and noses. You have sharp ears and contracted slits for eyes. You all have a side mane and a thin tail. The males have back, elbow and rump tufts and the females have none....... welcome, to The Cave.

 Pelt: R,G,B are all 40
Underfur: R,G,B are all 141
 Eyes male: R-0 G-185 B-255
Eyes female: R- 0 G,B both 255
 Above and below eyes: R,G,B are all 20
Tail tip, nose, and mane: R,G,B are all 20
 Markings: R,G,B are all 141

Male body: striped legs
Female body: toeless socks
Male head: eye stripe
Female head: ear rims
Male tail: fading stripes
Female tail: none

                                   PLEASE READ: if you make a clone join Clones of the Cave! And if you are interested in becoming a clone, a leader, or a scientist (who makes clones/studies them) do one of the following: reply to this with a description of your character, whisper zoey419, or meet me in the Lost Cave. Leaders are all black except eyes (you may choose eye color). And scientists are all white except eyes (you may choose eye color). Please note that we are map-less, realistic, and semi-literate. Thanks for reading!

Species / Re: New wolf species!
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:30:16 pm »
what sizes?

Pages: 1 [2]