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Messages - CoolZekrom2000

Pages: 1 [2]
Community Activities Hub / Re: Sukki's Cinema Livestream?
« on: July 03, 2014, 07:13:21 pm »
Sounds like fun! I'll check it out when I can! :D

Game Help / Re: Can't get my own music into my custom map?
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:44:09 pm »
Got it to work while testing in Map Maker, I think I don't need help anymore. Thanks all!

Game Help / Re: Can't get my own music into my custom map?
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:51:25 pm »
I've tried both of the things you two mentioned, and still nothing D: I've followed Red's video step by step, making sure I didn't miss anything, yet my music still doesn't play. It's also in the sound folder as well as the music folder and in the music.cfg under [MyMusic]. I've followed both tutorials carefully, but still nothing plays.

[EDIT] ~ I'm thinking it's the music I'm using, I'm going to try another file and see if that one works.
[EDIT2] ~ The other music file I used won't work either.

Game Help / Can't get my own music into my custom map?
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:25:35 pm »
 Ok, after 2 hours of trying to get music into a custom map I made, I need help. I've went into the music.cfg notepad and made my own group, [MyMusic], and put media/music/ the name of the music and .mp3 at the end.. but when I go into my map, only original FH music is playing! I've made sure in Map Maker that I put into the place where it says "Music (Group of Filename) that my group name, MyMusic, was there, and it was. But my music is still not playing. I typed everything exactly as it was and still nothing. So I need your guys help!

P.S. If there is already a thread of this question, can someone put the link to it?

Finished Maps / Re: Sky SanctuaryV2
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:04:31 pm »
Very beautiful map, will be downloading ^-^

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