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Messages - WhiskeyLullaby

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Closed!
« on: September 30, 2012, 12:31:14 am »
That actually helps a lot o3o Thanks. ^^

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Closed!
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:58:48 pm »
I'm having a bit of trouble with your height mask, can you give me a more in-detail idea of what you want?

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Closed!
« on: September 28, 2012, 09:54:13 pm »
@Clouleo Ill start on your height mask tonight!

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Closed!
« on: September 28, 2012, 09:52:57 pm »
@LeftOver Ill get working right away~

Request Maps / Re: Warrior Cats Map Needed
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:41:15 am »
Great news~ The map will either be finished tomorrow or the day after! I'll keep posting updates!

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Open!
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:56:40 pm »
In-Game Username: Clouleo
Purpose for map: A Feline Role-play.
Weather?: Fine, but rains at times.
Alright, now give me a layout of what you want: : The light green are meadows. you should make them have a few trees, and maybe with some tall grass and flower patches. The dark green are pine forests. There will be dens scattering around, with some bedding in it. (It can be anything, deer pelt, moss, fern, ect) The brown lines are bridges. you know what to do. the grey pointy things are moorlands. they can have a few rocks, too. the grey ones at the edge is a cliff with some flat boulders so one can go across the small island. The pale are beaches. Add palm trees and the like. Blue dots are pools, you don't need to do anything about them, but they should be pretty shallow. On the bank of the river, (I added gray lines on that part) Is steeper than usual. The isle in the middle of the lake is the camp, with 7 dens, one of them is bigger. Add a highrock-like thing too. That place should be well hidden. About that small island, there will be a large cave (as large as the island) which have a sparkly pool in the middle. There is a crystal tree in a few steps away from it. If you don't know about that golden spot, that's the portal. It should be on a plateau.
Terrain Types (Up to three): Beaches, rivers, pools : Seasand // Meadows, moorlands: Greengrass // Forest: DeepGreenGrass
Rough deadline: 20 Sept?
Anything else I need to know? None.

Accepted! But due to my current map, it might take a while to get finished/started.

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Open!
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:45:20 pm »
Can you make a map for me?'

Required information!
In-Game Username: .:~LeftOver~:.
Purpose for map: A warrior cat roleplay
Weather?: Rain
Alright, now give me a layout of what you want:
Terrain Types (Up to three): Grass for most of it, Sand for rivers and lakes, Stone for mountains
Rough deadline: Maybe 2 weeks is maximum
Make lots of hills and valleys, Make 4 camps in each corner.. each of them have a different "look or era" And add lost of streams with an island in the middle as a gathering place, Plus a cave at bottom AKA, a moonstone. :3

Accepted, I'll get to work as soon as possible!

Request Maps / Re: Warrior Cats Map Needed
« on: September 25, 2012, 10:29:33 pm »
The map is coming along pretty well, I have the town, a camp, and  the mountains surrounding that camp done. Let me know and I can post some screenies!
(P.S, Any weather you want added?)

Request Maps / Re: ~:.WhiskeyLullaby's Maps.:~ !Open!
« on: September 20, 2012, 10:01:26 pm »

Request Maps / Re: Map Request
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:45:14 am »
I may be able to, anyways, school just slapped me in the face =w=

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