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Messages - caninesrock

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@Finnley:Oh. OK. Thanks. Where can I get Fraps? Is it free? Is that how other people that have Feral Heart movies get them on Youtube?

@Thrillex: I wasn't asking where to post my movies,but where I could find them on my computer. Thanks anyway though. XD

@Tokoa: I saw the  so and so has made a movie clip thing in the chat box,but it wasn't clickable.

I know the Movie Maker in Tools doesn't work,but I noticed that when I logged in as my character there was a movie maker icon thingie and I clicked on it. There were two buttons. One said "Test" and one said "Publish". I played around with it and then hit the "Test" button to test my movie and then I hit the "Publish" button. Where do your movie clips go after you publish them? I can't seem to find a folder anywhere.


Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:50:00 pm »
Can I start a roleplay here?

Name:Extinct Animals
Members:Just me so far
Roleplay: semi-literate. You don't have to write huge paragraphs but please know atleast some basic spelling and grammar.
Realism:semi-realistic. No unnatural colors, super-powers, or super-strength.
Theme of Roleplay:extinct animals cloned back into exsistance and then experimented on
Requirements: See link above for rules and things.
Creatures allowed: any at least partially terrestial(land living) extinct mammal that can be realisticly made with either the resources in game or with extra preset or item downloads.
How To Apply: Put in an application in the topic linked above.


p.s.: About that city map that was accidentally deleted. Everything you delete on your computer goes to a holding folder called a recycle bin.  Nothing leaves there unless you delete it in the bin or clear the bin.  As long as your friend never cleared her recycle bin, her files should still be in there.  All you to have to do is go to the recycle bin and right click on the files you want and then click the "restore" option or you can use the restore all option to restore all the items in the recycle bin. Hope that helps.

Hi. I'm thinking of starting a roleplay for extinct animals in the public map of the Animal Testing Facility(not my map,but the creator said it's ok to start your own rps in it) which you can download here:

1.You can be any extinct mammal that doesn't need water to survive (like a dolphin or something because they couldn't be in water all the time)(but semi-aquatic animals that can go on land are ok) provided you can make it somewhat realistic looking with either the game character creator itself or using custom presets, items, or  other custom content.  It doesn't have to be extremely realistic like with realistic fur textures or anything. What I mean is just don't go in the character creation and choose a canine or feline model and just make the color brown and do no editing to the shape of the body and call it a deer. That kind of thing. The best species are obviously any extinct canines or felines or canine or feline-like species like Andrewsarchus, thylacines, marsupial lions/thylaceo, extinct hyena species, bear-dogs,etc.  Some other animals that should be pretty easy to make though can be bears, deers/goats/sheep using some of the item pack antlers and horns,etc.

Example of what I'm talking about when I say to make the model somewhat realistic. Left side is the wrong way. Right side is the right way:

On the left side, the markings,colors, and height are right, but the body weight and length haven't been changed all.  Deer are large animals height-size,but they are also lean and slender animals weight-wise and they have longer bodies than canines. The ears are also wrong. The muzzle is also still too long, pointed,and canine-like. Deer have short, fat muzzles similiar to cow muzzles. Antlers would make a nice touch,but aren't necessary. On the right side, the animal is correct. It is long, lean,but still tall, has a short,fat muzzle, and ears are off to the side of the head like deer have. The antlers added also give it a nice touch.
2. You have to be part of my Extinct Animals group to rp. Whisper caninesrock on the game and I'll add you. This is just to keep things organized so its easier to plan events and kept track of our own dialogue using the group chat so it doesn't get mudded in with the other local dialogue.  You can fill out an application here first even if you aren't part of my group and I can add you after.
3. You can not play any non-extinct animals unless it's an extinct subspecies of a currently exsisting animal, then that's ok.
4. No powerplaying. This means you can't kill or injure someone else's character without their permission or say what their character is doing. You can attack their character,but they get to choose whether or not their character took the damage or dodge the attack for example.
5. This is a semi-literate rp. You need to know basic spelling and grammar,but you don't have to write huge paragraphs or anything.
6. This is a semi-realistic rp. So, please no characters with extreme strength (even being a prehistoric animal is no excuse) or magical powers. Also, no un-natural colors.
7. When naming your character, please put your character's species in the name after the name of your character. For example, my character is a thylacine and his name is Ben, so I would put in the name Ben Thylacine in the character creator when I made him.
8.If you use a preset, please post the link to the .fhp file for download in this topic so we can see your preset.
9. If you want to join this rp you have to fill out this form for your character first and then post it in this topic:

Picture/Screenshot of Character in Feral Heart Game or Character Creation Screen:
DNA Used to Ressurect (Skeleton, Fossils, Fur pelt, taxidermied specimen,bones,  anything else that could be used to clone DNA from extinct animals):
Brief History:
Link to Info and Picture of Real Extinct Animal Your Character is Based on:
Link to .fhp preset file so we can see your preset(if you used a preset):

The Story:
It is the year 2030 and scientists have figured out how to clone extinct animals back into exsistance using DNA from  anything that belonged to the animal, even the smallest bone fragment or just skeletal remains. The government has given grants to the scientists to do this as long  as they promise to keep thier experiments a secret. As result, they clone the animals but then keep them locked away in a lab so the public doesn't find out. They do experiments on them to make sure they don't have any new diseases that could be passed on to modern day creatures and less useful and more cruel experiments such as intentionally hurting them to test how strong they are and intentionally giving them modern-day illnesses to test their immunity to them, etc.

You are one of the extinct animals and your mission is to survive another day and cope with the experiments and hell the scientists put you through. Your mission is to keep hope and try to escape and when you do escape to try and find your place in a strange new world that you weren't made for.

Users so far:Caninesrock(Me), Frostpelt96, FireHeartSouls, and mist66
Characters so Far:

Picture/Screenshot of Character in Feral Heart Game or Character Creation Screen:

Name:Benjamin (Ben for short)
Age: 2 (in animal years) (about 20ish in human years)
Species: Thylacine
DNA Used to Ressurect (Skeleton, Fossils, Fur pelt, taxidermied specimen,bones,  anything else that could be used to clone DNA from extinct animals):Taxidermied thylacine museum specimen.
Brief History:Benjamin was cloned from a museum specimen thylacine that was taxidermed in the National Museum of Natural History in the United States. He is named after the last thylacine to exsist before extinction but does not have that Benjamin's DNA. Instead, he holds the DNA of a generic average thylacine. Benjamin was grown in a test tube in a labratory inside a fake pouch because there was no suitable host to carry a thylacine cub. Benjamin hasn't known anything but that false pouch and then the lab when he was removed from his pouch. He felt safe in the pouch,but then the scientists took him out and that's when the experiments began.He was poked with needles, cut with scapels, had his skin scraped, and went through all kinds of other hell while concious while the scientists studied him.
Link to Info and Picture of Real Extinct Animal Your Character is Based on:
Link to .fhp preset file so we can see your preset(if you used a preset):

Picture/Screenshot of Character in Feral Heart Game or Character Creation Screen:
Age:3 in animal years
DNA Used to Ressurect (Skeleton, Fossils, Fur pelt, taxidermied specimen,bones,  anything else that could be used to clone DNA from extinct animals):Fossils
Brief History:?Waiting on it from user)
Link to Info and Picture of Real Extinct Animal Your Character is Based on:
Link to .fhp preset file so we can see your preset(if you used a preset):

Resources  (I did not make any of these.):
Here's some optional resources to help you make your extinct animal characters more realistic:
Saber Teeth Item (Perfect for Sabertooth Tigers and the like):

Smilodon Preset (Also known as the Sabertoothed Cat or Saber tooth Tiger) :

Dragon Teeth (Look like Saber teeth so could also work for characters with saberteeth):

Horns and Saber Teeth(Horns can be good for herbivores. Saber teeth can come in handy for characters like saber tooth cats):

Raccoon Preset if you want to play some sort of extinct raccoon or raccoon like creature or something:

Okapi preset if you want to play some sort of extinct okapi-like creature:

Another Saber Tooth Cat Preset:

Horse Preset for extinct horse-like species:

Coyote Preset for any extinct coyote-like species:

Reindeer Preset for extinct reindeer-like species:

Tasmanian Wolf Preset(Also known as a Tasmanian Tiger and Thylacine):

Lots of other good presets here:

For those wanting to play extinct herbivores, here are some good horn and antler items that can be applied to your character:

Some horns in this item pack:
Linked Due to Inappropiate Username 0_0
Horns, Antlers, and Things:


More Horns, Antlers, and Things:

Finished Maps / Re: Forgotten Lands, An Ice Age Themed Map W.I.P.
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:52:48 am »
A small amount of new screenshots:

Approaching the Caveman-Caveman converted by Anuik, original model from Anman on

Attacking the Caveman:

Speared by a Caveman:

Fighting a Shortfaced Bear over prey-Bear Converted by Anuik, original model from Kalamona on

Facing the Shortfaced Bear:

Attacking the Shortfaced Bear:

This rp sounds really cool. How's the map coming along?

News Archives / Re: Game Server Downtime
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:08:46 am »
Having some serious withdrawal symptoms here. D:  Been playing Impressive World, Last Moon,  Zoo Tycoon,  Wolf Home, Lupinar,  Zoo Tycoon 2, Wolf Quest, Soul Calibur 5 for xbox, and pretty much any other game I can think of to keep busy but I still really miss Feral Heart. I've been making presets too like everyone suggested,but that still doesn't help. It's not the same as actually being able to play in the game. What good is my shiny new preset of my character if I can't test it out in the game? D:

Finished Maps / Re: Forgotten Lands, An Ice Age Themed Map W.I.P.
« on: March 16, 2013, 05:41:36 pm »
Thanks guys. :) New screenshots added.

Finished Maps / Re: Forgotten Lands, An Ice Age Themed Map W.I.P.
« on: March 16, 2013, 03:41:20 pm »
Inside the Painted Cave 2-Mesh by Feral Hearts game.Rock texture from Feral Hearts game,but edited by me in GIMP.

Inside the Log-Mesh converted from World of Warcraft by Thierry.

Inside the Igloo-Mesh by Some-Art on Deviantart.Ice Texture by TheLiesBehindtheEyes on Deviantart.

Approaching the Igloo-Mesh by Some-Art on Deviantart. Ice Texture by TheLiesBehindtheEyes on Deviantart.

On the Ice Floe- Rock Mesh from the Feral Hearts game but edited by me. Texture by TheLiesBehindtheEyes on Deviantart.

On the Glacier-Rock Mesh from Feral Hearts game but edited by me. Crystal texture from Feral Hearts game.

On the Glacier 2-Rock Mesh from Feral Hearts game but edited by me. Crystal texture from Feral Hearts game.

Entering the Forest-Tree Meshes converted from World of Warcraft by Thierry.

Digging into Mammoth Meat-Rib mesh by Nowe on Deviantart.

Behind the Mammoth Herd-Mammoth Mesh by Anuik.

Approaching the Snow Cave-Mesh by ChunkyMonkey94 on Deviantart.

Approaching the Mammoth Ribs-Mesh by Nowe on Deviantart.

Walking Up to Mammoth in Water-Mammoth Mesh by Anuik.

Forest Log-Log Mesh converted from World of Warcraft by Thierry.

Eating Leftover Mammoth Rib Meat-Mesh by Sly.

So, I'm currently making Forgotten Lands, an Ice Age themed world. It's a work in progress right now,but I wanted to show some screenshots off.

Under the Mammoth Herd- Mammoth Mesh by Anuik

Eating a Mammoth Leg in the Fire- Fire Pit by Thierry. Meat Leg by Nowe on Deviantart.

Swimming in the Tar Pit-Texture by me. Mesh is the basic planes mesh by Thierry in the Extra Shapes pack.

Approaching the Ice Cave-Mesh by ChunkyMonkey94 on Deviantart

Running Through the Mammoth Herd- Mammoth Mesh by Anuik

Outside of the Painted Cave- Mesh by Feral Hearts game. Texture is one of the rock textures in the game that I edited in GIMP.

On Top of the Painted Cave-Mesh by Feral Hearts game. Texture is one of the rock textures in the game that I edited in GIMP.

Eating Mammoth Ribs- Cave Mesh by Feral Hearts and texture by the game but edited by me in GIMP. Smoking Fire Pit by Thierry. Ribs by Sly on Deviantart.

Approaching the Mammoth Herd-Mammoth Mesh by Anuik.

Leaving the Log-Log mesh converted from World of Warcraft by Thierry.

Leaving the Log 2-Log Mesh converted from World of Warcraft by Thierry.

In the Smoking Fire Pit-Fire Pit Mesh by Thierry. Ribs Mesh by Sly on Deviantart.

Inside the Snow Cave-Mesh by ChunkyMonkey94 on Deviantart.

Inside the Snow Cave 2-Mesh by ChunkyMonkey94 on Deviantart.

Inside the Painted Cave-Mesh by Feral Hearts Game. Texture by Feral Hearts game,but edited by me in GIMP.

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