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Messages - Beasty

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Cav strayed for the window and padded downstairs. He padded through the living room and and casually padded past the other dogs. He quickly padded down the steps and into the backyard. He found a box of some sort of material. He sniffed it before he lay his body in it, his brindled body lay inside, and his head lay outside, his brown eyes watching the slight breeze sway the objects around him. He sighed and closed his eyes, his tail gently tapped against the box.

    The pointer awoke as a new scent wafted by him. He pused his way through the dead undergrowth before he saw the winding trail. Beside the trail, he saw a human family with a fire, and food was set atop the fire. "Stupid beings!" He barked, why would they burn good food? The male instantly turned and rushed after the pointer. Before he could dodge, the male hit him with a hot steel rod. Reece wailed and spe down the trail, the hot rod leaving a burnt spot on his head.


Cav lay on the cracked wooden floors of one of the rooms. A slight sneeze escaped his Bodie, waking him up. He lay on the floor for a bit, seeing if anyone was awake by him, but he saw no one. He huffed as he lifted his aching body to a stand. He yawned, his teeth glistened in the morning light as he bent down to stretch. He padded over to the window and placed his paws on the wall, peering out through the window. He watched as the cars drove by, some actually had dogs in them, they were lucky enough to have owners that loved them. But Cav didn't think much about it, the house that he lived in now was perfect for him.

Sorry, I just saw that it was on my unread list, I'll check out the dates from now on.

Wow, the all are wonderful but the joker one is awesome, especially with the smile.


Name: Cav
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Sub-Breed: None
Personality: He's very quiet and a loner type. He usually stays in corners and watches the other dogs. Although.hes muscular, he hates to fight.He loves to socialize once he knows you, but don't expect him to come out of nowhere and start a conversation with you.
History: He was bred to be a fighting dog. He was trained to be one all of his young life. His owners
shot him and the Others with many needles, trying to get them bigger. Cab had to deal with the hard life, until one day police raided the house. As one tried to put him on another chain to transport him, Cav sped off. He ran and ran until he found a house with many pits, and now he lives with them.
Mate: Looking
Crush: None
Pups: None :(
Other: He has some minor scars. He never fought, just trained.
Password: The pitbulls biggest muscle is their heart.

"Maybe I'll survive long enough to meet you again." He joked, but here was truth in it. E padded out of the alley and quickly darted across the street, his tail between his legs. He padded along the sidewalk, only veering off when a human walked passed. He didn't meet a human as sweet as the one on the trail, but there had to be another. He padded torwards the woods, sometimes stopping to eat fries off the ground or to lick at puddles. He eventually came to the trail, he padded along it until he reached his makeshift den. He pushed his way into the undergrowth and layed in the shade. Hed soon find a cushion or something to make it more comfortable, but the leaves were alright. He watched the humans walk and jog by, the dry brown undergrowth camouflaged his coat, plus the thickets blocked their sight. He soon rested his head on his paws and drifted into a light slumber.


He smiled at the females joke. He peered out of the alley and into the streets, wondering how long he'd last in the hectic city. It was much different than the world back home, he rarely saw cars pass te house, and when he did, he reconized who's car it was, but it was impossible to do that here." "Well thanks for checking on me." He replied, he dipped his head at the female, "I guess I'll be off to the forest." E padded passed the female, He padded slowly, seein if the female replied.

Forum Games / Re: Cotton Candy, Candy Corn, Dang It!
« on: May 28, 2013, 02:06:50 pm »
Down Stairs


"Wow, that's a long time." The male replied, he had almost been killed in his second day, but the female in front of him had last 3 years. He gazed at the female amazed, she was the first dog he'd seen since escaping from his owner, but he wouldn't tell anyone that he escaped from the cozy life  in the apartment, they may think he was crazy

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