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Messages - Paradise Alpha

Pages: 1 [2]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: MODDED MANES !
« on: June 26, 2013, 10:52:25 am »
Thank you for doing this! the manes have bothered me ever since i started playing feralheart. :)

You're very welcome! ;] And indeed; it has bothered me too.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: MODDED MANES !
« on: June 26, 2013, 10:51:43 am »
Please add pictures? C:

I've added images now. ^u^

Game Help / Crashing like a boss.
« on: June 06, 2013, 06:37:18 pm »
So, I need a 'lil help. This has happened to me before, but this time it is taking too long... Basically whenever I start the game, it automatically crashes... And it's been like that for about 2 days now. I just start the game, the window freezes, and an error comes up saying, "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working." Any idea how to fix this nasty bug? .__. I'd be grateful if anyone could help... :c


Other Mods/Creations / MODDED MANES !
« on: June 01, 2013, 05:21:42 pm »
Did it ever bother you that the original FH manes always go lighter than the character's base color? Well, it did bother me. SO, I decided to solve this little problem and improve the mane masks. Just follow the link below and download them! :'D I have created a zip. folder in which I've placed 2 separate folders (the one with the modded manes, and one with the original [backup] manes) so go and see which ones you like. ;')



[~EDIT~] First of all. For those who thank me; You're very welcome. ^,^ And second, people have asked me to upload images for everyone to see the difference in the modded manes. :3 Here they are:


Manes are lighter than the original character's base colour. Eugh.


Looky here! The mane colours don't go lighter than the character's base colour! :'D They fit perfectly. :3

Y'all better be grateful for those images as I had to uninstall FH in order to take the screenshot of the basic FH manes! D:< It was a pain, BUT I DID IT. For you guys :3 And now, Enjoy.~

INSTRUCTIONS! (I already placed a text document in the pack folder but I'll post them anyway :3) All you need to do is copy all of the modded manes into your FeralHeart>Media>Textures folder, then click 'Copy and Replace' and you're done! :D (Make sure you restart the game)

Site/Forum Help / No E-Mail Confirmation
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:14:10 pm »
So I registered onto FH (In a way). They said they would send me an account confirmation sent to my e-mail but for days nothing has arrived in my inbox. I don't know if I should just wait more? Because it's been a few days since they said they would send me a confirmation. I'm kind of worried. I don't want to make more e-mails (I tried with 3 other e-mails but nothing has changed.) I really need help. What should I do?

Game Help / Re: My FeralHeart isn't working. Ideas?
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:20:45 pm »
My FH Didn't work as well and what I did is I messed about with the options and I found a way of getting your FH working, but when I tried that it did work but the FH background went all black (I did it with FH+), but it still worked I dunno maybe it will work on your's. Here's what you have to do: Click on the FH icon ((I tried mine with FH+!! But I think you can also try with normal FH)) with your right mouse button and and then choose "restore previous versions" and then click again "restore versions" and there should be 2 files. One will say "earlier this month" and the other one "earlier this year". I clicked the "earlier this year" option and it did work but like I said it didn't work perfectly because the screen went all black. (FH+)

Hope this kinda helped ;)

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