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Messages - Kitscourge

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Ask Me / Re: Ask The Rainbow~
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:28:37 pm »
1, Favorite animal?
2, Favorite movie or play?
3, Who is your favorite actor or character? And what would you do if you met them in person? ~Erik

Ask Me / Re: Ask ThePhantom! ~Erik
« on: July 01, 2013, 06:49:20 pm »
Favorite movie, obviously Phantom Of The Opera owo
Favorite music/song, idk what the genre is but my favorite song is, 'You're Gonna Go Far Kid' by the Offspring. :P
Favorite band, hmmm probally Hollywood Undead.
Favorite show would be Soul Eater. (I JUST started watching it 'cuz my friend.)
Favorite animal would be a cat. :P Any kind of feline really.
Least favorite show would be anything that has to do with Dora or any kids show.
My country is America. :D
Also Jassna, those questions belong in the 'Help' forum page.
The most awkward moment I've had would have to be when I was afk on my Phantom OTO char and I came back to see 9 Christine Daae's crowded around me and fighting... It was extremely awkward and none of them really know about POTO. :I  My randomness scale would be an 11 on a scale of 1/10 XD
My favorite candy is Twizzlers because I don't like many sweets. :P ~Erik

Ask Me / Re: Ask ThePhantom! ~Erik
« on: June 30, 2013, 06:56:36 pm »
Some interesting questions... xD
1- I would poke the his eye-socket and just say: "Man, you really need a mask .-." Then draw on his face/sythe.
2- For about hmmm, A little more than 1 year. (I seriously had to look at my profile for that xD)
3- I really don't know, depends what they do. I would probally have some fun and pull some pranks on them. After a while I would just block. :I
Lol these are boring answers XD ~Erik

Ask Me / Re: Ask Rawry
« on: June 29, 2013, 06:09:07 pm »
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be? ouo
Do you like apples? 8D
What superpower would you have if you could have one? owo
What is your favorite face that you can type? Mine is: ( ????????????)

Ask Me / Ask ThePhantom!
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:53:28 pm »
C'mon, ask meh stuff! You know you wanna. ;) I wont derp up...much! ~Erik

Characters / Re: Ghoulstar & Greedstar from Morag
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:36:02 pm »
Very compact and interesting bio. I enjoyed reading it. ^^ ~Erik

Introduction / Re: Hello FH Members and Staff!
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:21:34 pm »
Welcome to the forums, Queen! ^^ Hope you feel welcomed and have a good time. ~Erik

Characters / Re: Re-Ruby's Bio ^^ enjoy!
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:15:00 pm »
Nice, I'm glad you found the space in the forum for your bio! ^^ Short, but I enjoyed reading it. ~Erik

Game Discussion / Re: Some are just, too literate?
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:21:30 pm »
I remember being in a role play and this one person was using a ton of these long, drawn out words for the wrong thing. I looked up all the words on Google xD They all were wrong in the way she put them.Also they were a mate begger for my Phantom OTO char.I guess no one reads bios? Anyways I'm getting off topic.I don't mind rping with a wolf-speak rper but It can get annoying with the extremely long posts filled with unfamilier words.It helps widen my vocabulary. ^^ ~Erik

I actually used Adoption Centers a few times. I think It's mostly for an afk player not wanting to get logged out or something because most AC's are afk.The only time AC's annoy me if when trolls or pup-killers are there. ;3; Those pups watching their brothers and sisters getting ripped around right infront of their tiny eyes... As for MC's and DC's I despise both. I would rather deal with Mate-Beggers. DC's aren't needed and never were unless they are in a human rp, but I seriously doubt that. I loved food centers because they are just for the luls and don't do any harm. If you notice I'm saying loveD and useD, it's because my account decided to crash my FH. I'm not a troll but the Food Centers are still fun to sit around on a themed char like The Phantom OTO who's suppose to be serious, and just goof around...heh. ~Erik

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