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Messages - Mini

Pages: 1 [2]
Mapping Tutorials / *Re Moddled* Plane and simple how to!
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:09:21 am »
Hey guys this is my first ever tutorial I hope you enjoy! I am currently making how to do the mask and how to put the map into game! I hope you enjoy c: FINALLY I GOT THE MASK UP ;D



Put into game:

Presets & Markings / Re: Minie's Junk c:
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:03:58 am »
Thank you, I love buckskin horses and again sorry I'm so new to this and I couldn't find a thread with the maps and stuff I knew there had to be one xc

Introduction / Re: Hai c:
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:01:16 am »
Thanks guys so far i'm liking it lots c:

Presets & Markings / Minie's Junk c:
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:57:27 am »
Hey Guys like I said in my intro I  make maps presets and line art! Well Here I am posting free work for all to use!

Presets (All made by xXMinieXx Full credit goes to Minie on game and forums)
Presets are all free please do not ask to use them OF COURSE you can use them lol c:
Please comment if you do use them I love getting replies on how cute or ugly they are! Okay here are the links~



Introduction / Hai c:
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:32:44 am »
Hellooo I am not new here but I want to start getting active on the forums so here it goes ;D All about me~

I am Cheyenne, I am 17, I am still a High school student, I am a straight A student, I love animals <3 especially horses, I play Wolfhome and such I also make line art, Feral-heart Presets, Maps and more~ I usually take in commissions for line art but since school has started for me I have had no time in my power to take any c: I will be posting such when I am ready for them over Christmas, Turkey, and spring breaks c:

I own 1 horse, 1 guinea pig, 4 cats, a fish, and 3 dogs. Yes again I love animals o.o I am planning to get a job at a veterinary office as an office worker meaning I arrange appointments print out papers for the veterinarians or owners. I plan on going to UC-Davis when I graduate High school and take their veterinary program c: I have been playing Feral-Heart ever since it came out, I lost access to my old account so I made this one! I tend to follow the rules like a mature adult,  will not tolerate immaturity, bullying, or harassment. So if you have an issue with any of these I will not add you x_x

I have a DA Check out my presets and sturfs! Well... I guess that's it :D I hope this told you a lot about me heres my DA account!

DA: xXMinieXx

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