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Messages - Prinprinkley

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I know, though I'm worried, it's the 12th, and the games are set to end on the 19th. Today it's the 12th, and near the end too. The trend is worrysome, we might not make it in time. Please share this everyone, I know it's a lot to ask but I know that you all care too, and this would be very helpful.

Thank you all, I think I'm going to put the link in my signature, just a helpful thought, you don't have to of course. I still can't believe they are going to shut them down for mobile apps and club penguin. Really? Even marketing-wise, who will buy an app (which will only be available for mobile devices, not everyone has those) they can play for a while and get bored compared to a steady income from a MMO, and of course us consumers would be much more happy. Feel free to rant here, I just did xD

Other Games / Petition to save disney MMOs, (I know, I'm weird like that..)
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:21:00 pm »
Soo, recently I found out some of the MMOs I play on Disney will be ending, as in forever. But, there is a way, this petition was actually recognized, and if we reach 5,000 signatures by September 19th this year, we can save them! I know, I'm weird for liking these kinds of games, but really, it would help a lot. Currently there are about 3,331 signatures. I'm just going around to every forum I know to share this, as it is very important to me.

Awesome! When you finish can you email it to this address. [email protected]
Actually, I cant email it, but I can pm it to you on FH :).

Iceeee. The dragon. I likez it. And also, teach me your ways! I can never get the glowing markings to work!
Hey Silvertide, what you have to do is make another file with the markings you want to glow, and their color, transparant background, then replace the material code for the preset with the code found on this page: It also has some pretty good tips. Anyways, then rename the glowy marking to the name in the notepad file or rename the notepad file to the name of the file. It should be a .png and a png file I think.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Feral Weddng?
« on: August 22, 2013, 01:16:56 pm »
Congrats! And don't worry, I don't troll at parties. Btw, what time does it start in eastern US time?

I would like to request a preset. If you aren't taking requests I understand but if so here's a reference picture. I would like the preset to be double sided but if you can't do that it's ok. Just if you can I would like the stripes to be different on both sides. And also if you can please make one eye green and the other eye red. Here's the picture:
Already on it :)

Game Discussion / Re: ~Weekly FH Youtube Series Idea~
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:38:53 pm »
Hmm, I like this idea :D

Game Discussion / Re: The (Not so) Monthly preset contest?
« on: August 18, 2013, 04:53:55 pm »
I know, I was just looking for answers, so thanks for the info :D.

Game Discussion / Re: The (Not so) Monthly preset contest?
« on: August 17, 2013, 11:15:07 pm »
I see, I can't wait for it to return too. Anyways, for now I can figure out some new techniques to preset making.

Game Discussion / The (Not so) Monthly preset contest?
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:45:14 pm »
So, well being into the whole preset contest each month, I've been kept on checking the threads for the next contest, and well I noticed, there hasn't been a contest since the one in June, which hasn't even been judged yet D:. Now I don't want to bash anyone for needing time, but isn't it rather strange? Is everyone else busy with MOTS and the character contest? I just want to know, I'm kind of confused about the whole mess.

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